Chapter IV

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The dance finally came up and I walked up to Maisie picking up my dress so it isn't dirty with the dirt on the concrete.Maisie walked around me and checked me out to see if I looked alright.'You look amazing Dune.As always' She smiled at me and I smiled back at her and I said the same thing to her, she looks beautiful,day in day out.I saw Jay and I smiled at him and ran over to him-nearly tripping over and falling flat flace on the hard,cold floor.I stopped as he held my hand and gave me a rose and I was very very excited because I think he may ask me out to go to the dance with him.
He stumbled a few words before saying 'Will you,Dune Danvers be my beautiful,young,amazing dance partner tonight in honour to dance gracefully and beautifully with me,holding my hand?'He handed me the rose and I blushed heavily and he blushed a little, to.'YES' I screamed.
Maisie came walking over and we went over behind the building before we got let into the hall for the dance and we went mad and we jumped up and down and on eachothers shoulders and we laughed and I videod it because it was a very funny and memorable moment of my entire life I will remember forever and will be locked in my heart,never unlocked to tell someone else.Between me and Maisie and Maisie only.

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