July, 17th 1976

424 10 2

A little dancing never hurt nobody
Part 1

I can hear the kids scream outside. Camp Nightwing was back and in full swing. You could smell the weed from across the room. Kids were swimming and hop-scotching all over the place. The air outside was warm and breezy. I would consider this a not-to-shabby first week of camp.

That deescalated quickly.

"Did you guys see the flyer?", asked Annie. She tucks her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear as she squeals in delight. The 13 and 14 year old ladies of my cabin  were all squealing and mumbling stuff to each other.

"What flyer?", I asked, shutting my book and sitting up in my bed.

"Oh Ziggy", Sharon walked over and sat on my bed, beside me. She patted my leg and smiled politely. I cringed a little. "You're helpless." I roll my eyes as the other girls giggle.

"But seriously. What flyer?", my curiosity crept up on me. They continued to giggle. Finally, Evie piped up.

"The camp dance. It's on the last week of camp. Everyone is really excited. I hope someone asks me out." , Evie's raven hair swished elegantly as she spun around the room.

"I hope Will Goode ask me to the dance.", Sharon comments, as she gets up and begins to spin around the room along with Evie.

"Will? Sharon do you need your eyes checked? Nick Goode is obviously the better looking.", Annie chirps, as I felt the knot in my throat tighten. Some girls nods in agreement, while others shake there head in disgust.

Annie, being Annie, completely ignored them all. She got up from the bed and bowed down in front of Sharon.

"My lady?", she says, holding out her hand. Sharon grabbed her hand and nodded in response. They bounced around the room. Laughing. All the other girls got up, finding partners to dance with.

"I wanna dance with Nick!"
"I wanna dance with Will!"
"I call Kurt!"

"What about you Ziggy?", they all stare at me. I merely shrug.

"I don't know. I'm not going anyways, so it doesn't matter." They all erupted in accusations and random yelling. Telling me the same thing. You gotta go!

"Cmon, Zig! Gotta have your eyes on someone!", Annie yelled.

"Nope! No one! Not a single person-" I was interrupted by the light ring of the dinner bell. My "wonderful" cabin mates scrambled to put on their shoes. As they all pushed and shoved their way through the door, I remained on my bed. Twirling my hair between my fingers. I wasn't hungry.

Evie, Annie, and Sharon  turned around and looked at me.

"Ziggy come on! It's pizza night!", Annie chirped happily.

"Ziggy you okay?", Evie said bluntly. "You look a little pale."

"Yeah", I swallowed the knot in my throat. "Yeah, guess I'm just not hungry."

"Okay, we'll save you slice for later. In case you get hungry. Bye!", Sharon waved and walked out, followed by the two girls and the slam of the door.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.


Yeah Short Chapter. Kill me if you must. But I will have the whole thing on Monday. Thought I'd leave you on a cliffhanger. 😁see you Monday♥️

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