July 22nd, 1977

248 5 15

Our Love is a Cigarette
Part 3

Today is color war. Usually, I don't participate in this kind of thing, but Nick convinced me in the end.  He said he'd kick my butt. And my competitive ass was saying otherwise.

I was still think about what Alice said yesterday. I've been hung up on it for a little, but I just shrug it off. I try at least.

I don't mention it to Nick. I don't want to know what he'll say. What if it's bad. I really like what we have now...and I don't want it to go away.

I really like him.

I was sitting at my regular table, picking at my food. Thinking about everything, when I feel some extra weight across the table. I look up and smile.

"Hey, Zigs," he smiles.

"Hey, Nick," I smile back. He puts on a confused look.

"You okay?" He asks, concerned.

"I'm good. Just thinking..." my voice trails off.


"...Color war. How it's all gonna pan out." I lie. He smiles again, meaning he bought my lie.

"How I'm gonna kick your ass?" He snarks and I scoff.

"Oh please! As if you could ever beat the weirdo from Shadyside!" I fire back. We laugh and continue our regular conversation.

"Wanna hang out before color war?" I ask, a little nervously.

"How about during color war? So I can catch a breather. It's all to cringe for me." He remarks, and I giggle.

"But we'll be enemies by then"

"Then let's make peace. From 7-8pm tonight, we're at peace."

He extends his hand.

"Deal," I says. I place my hand in his and we shake. I smile and so does he.


"So, you excited?" Shannon asks with a smirk. Me and my cabin mate were in cabin 5. Slipping on our blue color war shirts. Face painting each other with blue.

I was on my bed, opting out of it all.

"I mean yeah. But there's nothing to be excited about. We're just hanging out."

"Ziggy. are you that blind?" Evie chimes. I give them a puzzled look.

"Ziggy," Sharon sat on the bed next to me. "He wants to hang out with in the middle of color war for one reason."


"He wants to make out with you! Like seriously make out with you!" Sharon yelled. My eyes went wide.

"Seriously?!" I'm flabbergasted.

"Think about it. You guys are hanging out alone...in his cabin...no one's around. I mean like come on! All that screams hot make out session!" Sharon yelled excitedly.

He want to make out with me? I hold myself together.

"Sharan don't get ahead of yourself. We're to young for that."

"Say who! He's 15! Practically a man in Union County terms." Annie chirps.

"He's a dumbass," I say with a smile.

"He's a hottie in need of a good make out sesh. And who better to do it with than the hottie who's sitting right in-front of him!" Sharron remarks and i scoff.

"We'll have to wait and see. For now, pass a lipgloss will you?" Sharon gives me an eyebrow and chucks me a cherry chapstick. She knew me to well.


I've sneaked out of the danger zone, walking to Nick's cabin.

I fidget with my fingers as I begin to see to door. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time.

I didn't really know if I wanted a hot make out sesh. Maybe he just wanted to talk. Like we always do.

I mean we've kissed a few times, but never anything...extreme.

I sigh as I step into the entrance. I fix my hair one last time and stand up a little straighter.

It's just Nick.

I place my hand on the door handle, and open the door.

He was on his bed, lips locked with with a girl with blonde hair. That blonde hair.

Sharon's blonde hair.

Hands were snaked around her waist and hers in his hair.

All the air had been swept from my lungs, I could only stare for a moment.

Then I shut the door quietly, and walk away. Tears brim in my eyes and fight to hold them back.

All that we had was now gone. I would never be able to look him in the eyes again.

I finally understood Alice's words.


Oh no... I'm scared of my comment section.
Don't worry...things will get better just not...now.

You guys have been extremely patient. Thanks for all the love and support. ♥️

Sorry for the cliffhanger. Next chapter will be out early tomorrow.


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