July 19th, 1978

236 6 9

One Final Summer

"Alright, next question." Will said, tapping on a chinchilla cage. Ziggy laughed.

"What happened with you and Nick. We're you guys...close?"

"Nothing." I shrugged it off. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ziggy, I'm not blind. I've seen you two hanging 'round the past few summers." He spits. I look at the snake.

"God I hate, snakes." I say, changing the topic.

"Why you dodging my question?" He asks.

"Why do care?" I look at him with slight annoyance.

"Cause he seems so broken up about...literally everything right now. And I want to know the root of the problem." He says factly.

"Me and him had an argument. Next question." I walk to him.

"Don't shrug me off now!" He begs.

I huff and bite my lip. He looks at me with somewhat pleading eyes.

"Sit." I say. He smirks and sits. I watch him, arms crossed. He sits on the bench not to far. He pats the seat. I scoff and sit beside him. I look at the floor.

"Do you remember 1974? When Shelia threw me in the lake, and Nick jumped in and saved my ass?" Will laughs.

"Yeah, I do." I smile.

"Well I sent a thank you note, he sent one back. And I developed a crush on him." I pause for a minute, gathering my words.

"We grew closer. He danced with me at camp dance. He kissed me. We hung out all 77'. He got me a goddamn locket for my birthday. The prettiest goddamn locket a girl could ask for..."

My voice trailed off. Will placed a hand on my leg in reassurance. I sighed, starting to fidget with my fingers.

"I thought...for just a moment...that maybe there was something there. Maybe...he liked me back." I said, pausing. Then I scoffed and looked at Will.

"But then I caught him locking lips with my best friend. So...I guess that's a thing." I stopped. Will moved his hand from my leg to my hands.

"I'm so sorry Ziggy." He says. I half smile.

"I should have expected it. Cool, hot Sunnyvaler with weird, ugly Shittysider. How could it work."i scoff

"You're not ugly." Will says. Stare into his eyes. It was like that for a moment.

I feel myself leaning in. He was as well. The air was becoming thinner and I could hardly breathe as his face was getting closer to mine.

Are noses were brushing...

Oh ya'll are gonna kill me...until next chapter ♥️
Love you


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