July 11th, 1977

259 5 10

Our love is a cigarette
Part 1



I throw my things in my duffle. I stand in the mirror one last time. I made sure untuck my necklace and but it on the outside of my shirt.

I made sure nothing happened to it, and I still where it every day.

I haul my bag over my shoulder and book down the stairs. Cindy has been shouting for like 5 minutes.

"The bus is gonna be here any minutes," she yells and I roll my eyes.

I run to the kitchen, swing the fridge open, and grab a water bottle. I had already shoved candy in my bag. I would need it.

I bent down and kissed Major Tom on the head, petting his back.

"I'll miss you the most," I whisper to the pup. Cindy got him for me a few days after my birthday. I could never be more grateful.

Cindy screamed, "I hear the bus! Let's go!"

I run out of the kitchen and out the door. Cindy was mumbling angry randomnesses. I paid no attention, and speed walked down the drive way; Cindy at my tail.

We watch the bus pull around. Cindy leans over slightly.

"Gonna sit with your boyyyyfriennnnd?" Yes she said it like that. I rolled my eyes, not giving her the satisfaction of an answer.

I guess I should catch you up to speed.

Nick and I aren't...technically a thing.

We've kept in touch through the year. He calls me after school or after dinner. He always asks me if I'm doing okay. He never interrupts me.

We haven't exactly...had that conversation. And sure, we flirt and stuff. It's just he's never brought it up, and I'm way to scared to. Which is ironic cause...I'm not scared of shit.

But I'm letting time take it's course. That seems like the reasonable, high school, mature thing to do. Yeah.

The bus stops with a loud schreech and I cringe. The doors open to reveal Ms. Zoe. Our old lady bus driver. Sweet, but old.

I let Cindy board first, and I follow behind. I say hi to Zoe, and turn my attention to my  yearly problem.

Where the fuck am I supposed to sit?

I simply refuse to sit by Cindy. Sitting by Alice is sitting by Cindy. And the only friends I have get there parents to drive them.

I mean I could sit where the kids are, but that's social suicide. I could sit with the counselors, but-

"Ziggy!" I hear a voice yell. I turn my attention towards the sound. 3 aisles from where I'm standing, I spot Nick. He's motioning for me to sit. I sigh with relief.

Girls roll there eyes and whisper as I walk to him.
Cindy gives me a smirk and scrunch my nose. Nick stands up. He grabs my bag and lets me slip into the window seat. He tucks my bag under the seat next his, and sits down.

Dear Nick, Love Ziggy.Where stories live. Discover now