Chapter 11- The talk

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It was now getting close to the end of summer, I spent most of it working at the coffee shop. Things were going great with Jake and I, we made each other so happy and being with him never got old.  Things were also going great for the band, When they would play local shows I would go with them and cheer from side stage.  I got in the habit of taking my laptop with me and blogging about our trips and the sights we'd see just for fun and as something to do on the long drives cramped in the van.  Their fan base was really growing too.   People were starting to recognize them when we were out and about.  I was so proud of them. 

I liked working at the coffee shop but it was hard work, being on your feet all day, grumpy customers.  I made a latte and looked over the counter to see Jake coming in the door, already smiling at me as he made his way to the counter. I loved when he visited me at work. 

"Hey gorgeous." He said leaning over the counter and giving me a kiss, every kiss literally felt like it was our first kiss, in a way that it always felt exciting and never something we just did out of habit. 

"Hey you," I said smiling back at him twirling one of his necklaces, "What are you doing here?"

"I was just seeing what time you got off today, I have something we need to talk about," He said a slightly concerned look on his face

"Oh...?" I said letting go of his necklace and backing up a bit.  "Uh, I get off in half an hour."

"Ok want to go get dinner after?" Jake asked moving so a customer could get to the counter and order.  I nodded my head and he gave me a thumbs up as the customer just started placing his order over our conversation.   Jake walked back out to the street and sat on a bench looking at his phone.  I tried my best to listen to the customer but now my mind was racing.  What did he need to talk to me about, was he breaking up with me? Was something else going on. I felt my whole body get hot as I started to panic.  I took some slow deep breaths trying to calm myself down, I reminded myself that things were going well and it was probably nothing, he did like making me squirm, for all I knew he was just going to tell me he got new vinyl.  The half hour passed at a painfully slow speed.   I looked at the clock more than I had my whole time working there.  As soon as the clock read 6:30 I hung my apron up and walked out the door. 

"Guess who" I walked up behind Jake putting my hands over his eyes.  I peered down over his face watching his smile grow.  He leaned his head back over the bench and I kissed him upside down still covering his eyes. 

"Well, you better be my girlfriend otherwise you're in trouble" He said smirking.  I removed my hands and he stood up, both of us laughing.  "You ready?" I nodded, still anxious as we made our way to the little diner down the street.  We got to the diner and Jake sat across from me, which was odd, he usually sat next to me on my side of the booth.  This must be serious. 

"So, Sloan," He started, my eyes filled up with tears, "Oh my gosh what is wrong?" Jake asked scooting out of the booth and moving to my side, wrapping his arm around me in a hug.

"Are you breaking up with me." I asked wiping my eyes so tears didn't run down my face,

"WHAT! absolutely not, are you crazy, I love you so much I would never," He said grabbing my chin and turning my face towards him. 

"What..?" I said looking at him, my eyes wide, He had never said that before, His eyes also got wide when he realized what he had let slip out.  He sat there silently for a second just staring at me and then he finally spoke.

"I love you Sloan, I would never do anything to hurt you." He said his hand back on my chin pulling me into a kiss. I blushed and pulled away wiping a stray tear, at this point they were tears of relief.

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