Chapter 25-Four

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Jake's POV

We finished the last song and I waved to the crowd one more time before running off stage and swooping up Sloan into my arms like after every show. It was honestly my favorite part of the night, it always put a smile on her face and I loved when she told me how great I did.

"Amazing as always!" She said as I placed her back on the ground,

"Thank you," I said, a smile spread across my face, "Let me get changed really quick and then we can head back to the bus for our night in," I honestly couldn't wait to spend time with her, I was still a little hurt and angry about all that was going on, but I really just wanted her close to me.

"Ok, want me to just meet you back at the bus?" She shouted as I continued backstage, It made sense that she'd want to go ahead and get back, we were sometimes stuck here for a while.


I hurriedly changed and helped get all the equipment where it was supposed to be and started back to the bus. The rest of the guys had decided to go out so that meant me and Sloan had the bus to ourselves. My mind started to wander as I walked back to the bus, she had been bad, and I hadn't gotten to do anything about that yet. My heart started to race as I came to that realization and I started to walk faster. Did I want that, or did I just want to spend time with her cuddling and watching netflix? No, I definitely wanted it. I got back to the bus and briskly walked up the stairs and to the back room. Was I going to ease into this or get down to business right away. I walked in to see her laying on her stomach on the bed, swiping through her phone. She had changed into her little pajamas shorts that I loved. I stood in the doorway for a while just admiring her, her bare ass peeking out through the bottom of her shorts. She was so sexy and she didn't even have to try,

"What..?" She said smiling over at me as leaning her head on her hand,

"Nothing, just enjoying the view." I said smirking, she blushed.

"So are you ready for our night in?" She said putting her hands out for me to come closer,

"I think the real question here is are you ready for our night in." I said grinning back at her as I took my shirt off

"What does that mean..." she asked, her eyes curious, scanning my body as I threw my shirt onto the ground,

"Well, you know you did something that was not very nice, in fact it was very naughty I'd say. And you know what that means." I said undoing my belt. She sat back slightly further on the bed and looked up at me, her eyes wide, she knew exactly what it meant. She watched as I took off my belt and held it in my hand. It was one she had bought me a couple of stops back, it had my name imprinted across the back. "So I need you to stand up." I said sternly

"Ok," she said shyly but with mischievous eyes. I walked up behind her, my already hard member rubbing against her ass, as I breathed close to her ear. She leaned her neck over to give my lips access but I made no contact, just hovered so she could feel my warm breath. I hooked my thumbs into the band of her shorts and slowly slid them down her hips, she wasn't wearing any panties and I fought the urge to touch her, "I need you to pick a number between 1 and 10." I whispered into her ear. She let out a sigh at the sound of my voice, "Four" She said breathily. I grinned at her choice, she was clever and knew exactly what she was choosing. I stepped to the side of her as I gently ran the belt over her ass, I grabbed her chin and turned her face towards mine. "Now you're going to keep your eyes on mine the whole time. And I want to hear you count out each one." she nodded as she bit her lip. I kept one hand caressing her face the other other I brought back, before slamming the belt hard against her ass. I watched her wince and take in a sharp breath as it made contact, "One" She whimpered, I raised an eyebrow at how well she had taken it. I brought my hand back bringing it down again, "Two," She gasped. I brought my hand back for a third time and she slightly pushed her hips forward in an attempt to lighten the blow, "Uh uh hands on the bed, ass out." I said letting go of her face and pointing to the edge of the bed. She bent over, placing both hands on the bed. She glared over at me, this wasn't what she was expecting, but her sleeping with Sam wasn't what I was expecting either. I slapped the belt down again over her already welted skin, "Three," she groaned dropping down to her elbows, I did it one last time, "Four" She moaned as I ran my hand softly over the welts, simultaneously teasing her slit. She was already so wet, "Jake please," she whimpered standing up on shaky legs and turning to face me, I had been merciful before and let her get off just as much as me, not today, she didn't deserve it. "Naughty girls don't get what they want." I said, she looked up at me pouting, "On your knees." I said as I slid off my pants and boxers, she obliged and looked up at me, "Blow me." I said stepping forward, my cock mere centimeters from her mouth, I watched as she slowly licked her lips before parting them, letting me slide inside, she started bobbing her head, but not nearly as far as I knew she could. I grabbed the belt off the bed and looped it behind her head, using it to pull her farther onto my hard cock, her fingers digging into my hips as she gagged and moaned when I repeatedly hit the back of her throat, her eyes watering, "Just like that, you're a good little slut." I growled, throwing my head back out of sheer pleasure, I thrusted into her throat and held myself there as I came, her swallowing it before I finally released the belt from behind her head. She wiped her lip and slowly stood up, trying to catch her breath. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and brushed the hair from her face. She fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

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