6. Media Play

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I was dreading my arrival back to Seoul. The media was sure to have caught wind of the news that I was coming back and would be waiting at the airport. We were lucky to evade the paparazzi in New York, but Korean media were like professional stalkers when it came to some of their biggest stars.

"The company already has people sorting out the situation at the airport. They will find a way to get you out of there without being spotted by the media." Minki said, sensing my worries.

"This is so stupid. We weren't even kissing." I grumbled.

"Then what was Luka doing so close to your face?" Minki didn't sound like he believed me.

"Uhh, I smelt nice?" I said lamely.

"Sure, I believe you." Minki said sarcastically.

"Ugh whatever. How did the company react? What did they say when they called?"

"Get Yin to Korea on the next flight back. The CEO wants him here as soon as possible." Minki quoted.

"Okay, but was it in a like we're going to kill that boy when he gets here tone or a we're worried and want him here where he'll be safe tone." I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Definitely the first one."

"Do you think they'll kick me out of the group?" I asked, suddenly feeling worried.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you kissed Luka." Minki snorted.

"I didn't kiss him." I muttered.

"I doubt they will. You're the face of the group. The fans would riot." Minki reassured me.

"Well if they don't, knetz would probably be the ones rioting." I said, knowing all too well how knetz could ruin an idol's career with their opinionated views.

"Not if the company finds a way to swing the scandal in your favour." Minki pointed out.

"Swing it in my favour...how?" I asked, suddenly feeling suspicious.

"Oh I don't know. The company always finds a way." Minki suddenly sounded nervous.

"You know something, don't you? The company told you something." I accused.

"I'm not in a position to tell you anything Yin." Minki was firm in his response this time.

"They're going to tell me later anyway. You can just tell me now. They won't know." I pressed.

"Alright, fine, but you seriously can't let them know that I told you. I'll get fired." Minki warned.


"What the actual fuck is wrong with you people?!" I screamed as I stormed into the meeting room. Minki who had been chasing behind me shook his head in disappointment and groaned. Whoops, forgot I wasn't meant to let them know that he had told me.

"Yin. Dramatic entrance as always." CEO Jeong said in greeting.

"I can't believe you would think about ruining another person's career just to save your own. Wait no it isn't even your own. It's my career. You just benefit from the money I bring in for you. You don't even know what actually happened. You didn't even bother to ask me before you came up with your absurd story. I know you like stooping to low levels but planning to out someone? Seriously? You don't even know if hes gay." I ranted in anger.

"Everyone suspects it anyway. We're just doing him a favour." CEO Jeong replied calmly.

"No. You aren't doing this. There is no way in hell I am letting you release such an article. No fucking way." I said harshly.

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