Mom is Awake!

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I heard the front door so I went into the room to see Camille and Magnus kissing, Magnus said "Well, this is awkward." he hasn't seen me walk in yet. Alec said, "Where's the book?" Magnus said, "It's complicated." Alec said "Clearly." then he and Izzy saw me Camille said, "I have it." Magnus said, "And she's graciously offered it in exchange for her freedom." Izzy was pissed "And her freedom requires a lip-lock?" I turned around and started to head outside on the veranda Alec said "We don't negotiate with prisoners." Izzy said "Tessa wait." and headed after me Camille said "Prisoner? I beg to disagree. You see, I'm your only chance at saving the world. You need me. You certainly have a type, don't you, Magnus? she's cute. Too bad it won't last." Izzy said, "Say that again, you won't last." Camille said "I'd say she's about 20 years from a mom body. Alec said "I don't have time for this. Where's Clary?"

Izzy shut the door as she exited it and saw me climbing over the railing to climb down to the street. She grabbed my wrist stopping me from climbing down and said "Where are you going?" I said "Anywhere but here." she said, "This isn't meant for climbing, what if you don't catch the next balcony?" I said, "Then I guess I go splat." Izzy said, "I'll call Magnus." I said "You wouldn't." she said "M..." I cut her off "Ok, damn." I climbed back up and sat on the railing. She said, "Whats really wrong?" I said, "Honestly I don't know, I just feel like crap and I'm trying to figure out how he could love me when he once loved her." She said, "I mean yeah she's cute but, she is nowhere near as fun and nice as you." 

I puked then sat on the ground and groaned "Yeah but she isn't pregnant and this shit sucks." Izzy sat next to me on the ground and rubbed my back. The door opened and Magnus said "Girls... Are you ok Princess?" he kneeled down in front of us. I said "Yeah, all good. Are we leaving?" he said "Yeah." I said, "Let's go then." Izzy stood up and pulled me up as well. Magnus said, "You sure you're ok?" I said, "Magnus I promise I'm fine, it's just morning sickness." We joined everyone at the front door as Izzy said "Yeah but that name is such a lie, it's not even morning." I giggled "Yeah I know, that's why it sucks." 

Once we got to Camille's house Simon said "I thought the underground parking was nice." Alec said "Wow. You've got a lot of books." Camille said "I've got a lot of time on my hands." a Butler said "Welcome home, Madame Belcourt." Izzy said "This place creeps me out." Alec said "Yeah. Let's check the perimeter." Magnus said "Good idea. If I know Camille, she'll have a trick or three up her sleeve." and tugged me along to follow them outside.

Izzy and i ran back in as she said "We gotta go. He's here." Clary grabbed the book and said "Let's go." Simon said "Come on." A portal opened up and Valentine stepped out with his men. He said "Clarissa. Tessalyn. So good to see you again. Where's your brother?" Clary said "You think we'd tell you?" He walked closer "You won't have to." Simon jumped in front of us "Stay away from them!" He was pushed aside making izzy say "Simon!" Izzy used her whip but was pulled to the ground. Jace ran into the room "Stop! This time you're not getting away." Valentine said "Finally ready to kill your own father?" While his men grabbed Izzy and Simon. Jace said "You abandoned me." Valentine said "I was protecting you. You weren't ready then, but you've grown. You've become the warrior I've trained you to be."

Jace agreed "You trained me well." Valentine said "And yet, I still have so much to teach you. I brought you here for a reason. Look, fight me, and watch your friends die." More people came in holding Alec and Magnus, I went to move toward Magnus but Clary held a hand or in front of me stopping me from moving. Valentine said "See, you are strong, but they make you weak." Clary said "Let us go. You can have the book. We won't be able to stop you without it."

Valentine turned to us "Ah, Clarissa. So like your mother. Willing to do anything for those that you love. I'm touched, but... the book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you'll both join me eventually. It's fated. Tessalyn is also welcome as its not her fault who her father is. You ready?" Jace said "If I go with you, promise me you won't hurt them." Valentine said "You have my word." I said "This is insane." Jace said "I'm sorry, Clary."

Clary was almost crying as she said "Jace, what are you doing? You can't be serious! Valentine is wrong. You're not like him. I'm not. You're not!" Jace said "You don't know that, Clary. You don't know that." Valentine to show his word said "Let them go." They were released and Izzy immediately pulled me to her side and behind Magnus Izzy stepped toward Jace but he held his blade out "Get back, get back. Alec, I mean it." They went through the portal, Clary ran after them but Alec stopped her. She said "What are you doing?" He said "Saving your life. If you enter a Portal not knowing where you're going, you'll be stuck in limbo forever." She fell into his arms sobbing.

We got back to the institute and Magnus pulled me aside and said "Izzy told me you saw her kiss me. And I know you don't want to hear it, so I'll just say it once. Whatever I felt for Camille, it's ancient history. Almost literally." I said "Magnus you don't have to explain yourself, your not mine and I have no right to be jealous. but what she said about you being immortal, she's right. You watch the people you care about age and die." He said "Tessalyn... I may be the High Warlock of Brooklyn, but... even I can't see the future. I do know one thing though, I am yours and only yours."

Luke said "They're ready. They moved her to the Ops Center." Magnus said "Good. We need the space. Jocelyn's spell is very powerful." We headed for ops and met with Clary and Izzy. Clary said "Do you really think this is gonna work?" She handed him the book as he said "Let us hope." Magnus did his magic and Like caught mom as the bubble popped. Luke and mom hugged making me and Clary say "Mom. Mom!" Mom hugged us tightly and Clary said "I've missed you so much." Mom said "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about your past." I said "Not, not now. We have had enough for one day. We can talk about all that later. Right now, we just... I just really need my mom." Mom hugged us again as Clary and I cried. Mom said "It's okay." I cried out "No its not, your gonna hate me." Luke rubbed my back as mom said "Oh baby girl, I could never hate you." And she held us.

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