Max's Rune Ceremony Goes Haywire

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Josie was in a Mobi wrap sleeping against my chest, and Izzy was withdrawing from a drug called Yin-Fen which Magnus said his friend Jem was on. Alec said "What did we miss?" and he kissed his daughter on her little head. Izzy opened up a holographic screen "Let's see. The Citadel was breached. Magdalena is dead. Cleophas is missing." Clary said "Oh, my God. Valentine?" I said "Who else could it be? Aldertree's heading to Idris to meet with the Council." Alec said "I'll go check with ops." He walked away, Izzy and I were going to as well when Clary said "Izzy. There's something I need to tell you about Sister Cleophas." Izzy said "That you told her about your new rune?" she said "How did you know I..." Izzy said "Does it matter? You should know what it feels like when the people you care about shut you out." Clary said "Tessa..." I shook my head at her "I'm your sister, you should have told me." Clary sighed "Izzy, Tessa. Jace told me it would be dangerous for anyone who found out." Izzy said "So now we need to be protected? I welcomed you in, Clary. Saw you through training, rescued Simon every time he got into trouble, which is basically all of the time, and after your mom..."

Clary said "Izzy, I'm sorry. Look, we both care about the Iron Sisters. We need to find Sister Cleophas. We can do it together." she said "I'm kind of over this whole togetherness thing. I'll stick with my Parabatai." and we walked off. I said "Lets go drop Josie off with Magnus so she is safe." she nodded and we headed to the apartment. I unlocked the door and we went in, I said "Magnus!" he came from the bathroom drying his hair "Hey Princess, Izzy." I said "We have to go after Valentine since he kidnapped an angel, can you watch Josie?" he grinned stealing her from me and nuzzling her little face "Of course I can." Magnus cooed at her "You wanna spend time with dada Magnus? Huh little one?" I said "Hey now, her first word better be mama, you and Alec need to not confuse her on what it should be." he laughed and said "It will be whatever she wants it to be." I rolled my eyes but kissed him and we left. Izzy and Alec was at the institute, Clary, Jace, Luke, and I went to save the angel. Jace and Clary went to rescue the angel while Luke and I went to rescue Cleo. Valentine said "You Graymarks never see the bigger picture, do you?" Luke said "What's the bigger picture, Val? Lying to your followers, killing the woman you love, destroying your children piece by piece?" He said "Sentimentality has always been your biggest weakness. Maybe you've changed, huh? Go ahead, Lucian. Put a bullet in me... parabatai."

Luke said "Don't you dare call me that." He said "Why not? Because it reminds you of your betrayal? How you stole Jocelyn and turned her against me?" I got pissed off at him I took a step forward making Luke's hand clamp down on my wrist as I said "You don't get to talk about my mother especially since you were the one who killed her!" Luke said "You did that on your own. You killed innocent people." He said "No, I didn't kill your mother, I loved her. And no one is innocent in war. If only I'd thought to bring a blade of silver, we could have ended this." I said "Your right, your hand was not the one that ripped my mother's heart from her chest, but you did send the demon after us so it is your fault." Cleo said "End it now, Lucian. Pull the trigger!" He said "But once you do, think about what will happen to your sweet baby sister. You were always so spineless." And threw the knife at me and Luke, he pulled me behind him and both of us to the ground dodging the blade. We looked up as Valentine took Cleo and disappeared. We met back up with the other two and Jace said "We released the Angel." I said "Great, at least someone was productive, we didn't get Cleo back. Let me know what's next, I need to get back to my daughter." I hugged them and headed off to Magnus's apartment.

I walked in as Magnus said "I'm sure I'll love Max. But Maryse? That woman hates me." Alec said "That's sort of the point of the party. So that she can see that this, our little foursome family thing, it's not going away." Elijah said, "You sure about this?" Alec said "Why wouldn't I be? Elijah, I love you, and Magnus I know Tessa loves you, I am Josie's dad and Tessa is her mom, but since you and I and you and Tessa are together that makes you both Josie's stepdads. We are all a family unit and my mother and the clave need to understand that." I smiled "Look at you getting all sentimental on us." the boys turned around  surprised I was there, Josie started to cry when she heard my voice. I walked to them and Alec handed my baby to me, Magnus said "Then I better get to work." he patted Alec's chest and gave me a kiss before getting to work, Alec said "So what happened?" I sat down next to Elijah to nurse Josie as I said "Well Jace and Clary freed the Angel, but Luke and I lost Cleo. Valentine took off with her after he threw a knife at us." Alec said "So not good then." I sighed "Nope." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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