Kuzusouda because nobody pays attention to it

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Kazuichi P.O.V:

My good old friend Hajime invited me over to his house! He said he needed to spend some quality time with his bros. I assumed he meant me and Fuyuhiko.
You know what?
He's a little bitch.
A nice little bitch.
The kind of little bitch you can just hug!
He's my best friend, next to Hajime of course, and I can admit, he asks like a child.
I can't talk though! Since I have my colorful side!!
But aside from being a little stupid bitch, Fuyu is a good homie.
He may not seem like it, but he's kind once you know him. He helps me out with advice for getting over Miss Sonia, he let's me call him at 5 in the morning so I can spill my guts, he drives me and Hajime to school! If course he crashes the car a few times... But still, the thought counts.

As I walk over to Hajime, I see that blonde midget behind him.
"Yo dude!"
"Hey! I have a bone to pick with you! 'Dude'." He says, almost angerly.
Oh shit. I'm in for it.
"Y-yes?" I say in reply, honestly so scared.
"You. Told. Peko. I. Was. Gay."

"BAHAHA YOU DID WHAT?! HAAAA!!!!! HAHA HOW YOU GINNA GET OUT OF THIS ONE? ROSE BOY? HAAAA!!!!!" Hajime bursted out in laughter, he literally fell on the ground pointing at me, I was so mortified..!
"I-it was a joke! I swear!! Come on dude, it was a joke!! P-put down the branch-" I begged!!

Fuyu grabbed a medium sized branch, and threw it at me!!
"Get back over here little bitch!!"
"WHAT THE FUCK IS A BUSTER!??" I scream, dodging his every move!! He eventually gives up, and sits down.

"Giving up so soon? Good choice dude!" And with that, I sit down next to him. For no reason, Hajime starts to cringe.
Then I realized.

Fuyuhiko was glaring at me.

He jumps on me and fake hits me, I know he's extremely strong so I know he didn't want to actually hit me. I so realize he was sitting on me, as he was still pretending to hit me.

"Huh? Don't tell me I hurt you.." He starts to look worried.
"Nope! But youre looking pretty gay right now, since, y'know!"

"Well shit. Kaz? You fucked up." Hajime admits, face palming.
But as Fuyuhiko was about to hit me, he changes his mind and gets up. For some reason I felt disappointed.

"Oh whatever! I'm bored of this anyways! Let's just go to Hajimes place." The small dude says, in which we both follow him.

We get to Hajimes house and run up to his room, while Izuru tells us to not be loud.
Hajime busts out the video games Chiaki gave him, and we play.
Hours go by, hours of Fuyu being the little bitch he is.
Hajime pauses the game.
He stares at me.
At Fuyuhiko.
Then me.
Then Fuyu.
Then he laughs.
I look.

Since when did Hiko start laying on me!?
"I DIDNT NOTICE!! Wait.. Did I crush you!? You ok?!" He gets worried again, like I said, He's strong, and he worries about hurting me.
Its cute.
Why do I think that's cute?
Actually Fuyu himself is really cute! And that's just from the ladies perspective! He has nice freckles, good hair, he has a super hot badass eyepatch. His whole demeanor is super hot and badass. Like I said, if I was a lady that is!

That was weird.
"Ha! You too a thing now?" Hajime asks, he seems genuine.
"W-what!?" Hiko blushes, he looks away in..shame!
Its hard for.me to detect his mood sometimes. Either that's because of my ADHD or he's just so god damn interesting.

"Why would we be dating!?"
"Well, I'm bi as you both know, and I'm in a relationship with Nagito. So I have an excellent power to sense other gays!" The brown haired boy laughs.

I stare at Fuyu, trying to get his attention.
He looks at me back, his face becoming flustered and embarrassed.
"No...no." He mumbles, then looks away again.
That answer is oddly..sad.
"Th-that was weird! But I'm not gay!" He says, huffing.
"You are. You are gay." I mumble at him, he glares at me, threatening to tackle me again, I just wink at him.
He gets flustered again.

Holy shit.
"Oh." I say, connecting the dots.
"I knew it!" Hajime says! Jumping up and pointing at me.
"You figured it out, didn't you?" He taps my shoulder, I nod. I nod slowly.

How did it take me so long to notice?
How did I not figure it out?
You know what? I wish I could be a girl.
Because if I was one, I bet Fuyuhiko would like me.

That's the only reason.
So I figured it out.
"Yeah? You ok? You don't look to good..."
"You know how I joke about being gay?"

"....yeah..?" He says, nodding as he begins to connect the dots.
"Shit man."
"Well... I think I haven't been super honest with you, Kaz." He begins, looking in my eyes.

"Well... I thought..I thought...me and Peko..were the right match but.. Well it turns out, me and her are just good friends, which is fine. But Ive realized... I think.." He swallows before he finishes his sentence, Hajime is watching in the background.

"I think..you and I.. You. I. Well! I.uhm... Aughhh!!!! Just give me a damn kiss!!" He blurts out, which I gladly except!!
Me and him lock lips, and it all makes sense!!
He was my crush, and I didn't even realize.

"You guys realize I am still here. Right?" Hajime mentions.

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