Chapter Ten: Cookie Thieves and Family Affairs

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Hey guys, Wattpad seems to think that this story warrants  an [R] for  Restricted, but I disagree, because there isn't even any sex yet. But eh, what ya gonna do?

Enjoy! :)


[Kat's P.O.V]

"Yes...oh yes...oh man, right there...deeper...oh god!"

A deep chuckle hummed in my ears. Large, warm hands coasted down my body, rubbing and caressing, applying the right amount of pressure to turn my body into liquid heat. Certain tender areas forced pained groans, other areas roused giggles and others breathless moans. I was in heaven.

"God, Chris!" I panted when the hands moved to work on the tense muscles on my lower back, just above the sheet covering my bare butt. "Your hands are amazing!"

"Thank you," Christopher, a large black man with a killer smile and accent, accepted the compliment graciously. "And you have amazing skin."

I grinned at the ground. "You must say that to all the women you make orgasm with those hands."

Chris barked laughter, his hands pausing momentarily before picking up pace. "You are a strange woman, miss Kat. But no. Usually there is no conversation between me and the patient."

"How boring," I sympathised on a moan. "Dear god! How much do I have to pay you to live with me for the rest of our lives?"

He chuckled. "I am a happily married man, miss Kat."

I sighed. "Well, I guess she could join us too."

"And you?" he inquired, "You don't have a fella that would be jealous with our arrangement?"

I snorted indelicately. "I have three actually. All assholes. I wouldn't worry about them if I were you."

I could practically hear the way his eyes widened. "Three?"

"What can I say? One annoys the absolute shit out of me, the other uses me to buy food and the other tries to get in my pants at every possible opportunity, hence all the tension you are currently rubbing out of my body."

"It sounds like you have your hands full," he commented and I moaned as he touched a particular area that made me tingle all over.

"I do! I really do." I simpered. "Mother mother of god! That feels so good!"


[Sam's P.O.V]

"Can't-" Slam. "Believe-" Clang. "She's-" Ding. "With-" Groan. "Another-" Clonk. "Man!"


"Oh shut the hell up!" Dallas groused, slamming his head against the metal pole. "I swear, you whine more than a teenage girl begging her parents to go to a Justine Beaver concert."

"Justin Bieber," Jason corrected from his perch on top of a nearby counter. He poked experimentally at the three year old sandwich which no one had the courage to remove for fear of contracting a disease. "Do you guys think this is edible?"

"Justine who?"

"His name is Justin Bieber, not Justine Beaver,"

Dallas frowned. "Are you sure? I thought it was a girl."

"Half of the world's female population would beg to differ."

"Then what's with the hair? And the high pitched voice? Is he gay?"

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