Chapter Nine: Meaningless Conversations

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A massive thanks to shyswaggg for creating the amazing banner on the side! You're awesome girl! xx


[Kat's P.O.V]

"I feel so violated."

One might think that sentence would be coming from my mouth after my little traumatic experience earlier that morning.

It didn't.

"Now I know how male victims of rape feel. Vulnerable, insecure...emasculated."

Jason snickered. Sam smirked. Jezebel done her best to ignore the giant cry baby.

"Shouldn't have tried to take her bacon," Jason clucked his tongue at Dallas and winking at Sam who sat far too close to me than I was comfortable with. The smug bastard even had the balls to throw his arm casually on the back of my chair. When I tried to scoot away - the idiot had stripped me! - he only smiled knowingly and dragged my chair back. At this very moment he was twirling strands of my hair absently around his finger as he grinned at Jason and laughed at Dallas's antics.

"My bacon," Dallas snapped, banging his fist angrily on the table. "It was my bacon,"

From the corner of my eye I saw Jezebel cringe at the open act of aggression. Dallas must have noticed it as well because he froze, fist still raised, expression chagrined.

"Get over it," I said simply.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Because you constantly annoy the shit out of me,"

Dallas tutted in disapproval. "That's no reason to steal a man's bacon." Adopting a very mature, parental tone, he lectured, "Stealing a man's bacon is like ripping the world from beneath his feet, one cannot simply take away a man's bacon. Bacon is a man's heart and stomach. You can't just abruptly take it away from him like it' it's..."

"Bacon?" Jason supplied.

"Exactly!" After a second, Dallas frowned. "No. What? No."

Sam chuckled, the deep sound rumbling in his chest and causing reluctant shivers to pass down my back where he discreetly stroked the skin of my neck.

I turn suspicious eyes on him. What did he think he was doing? Did he want to get bitch slapped this early in the morning? Because I had no qualms delivering them out, as Dallas fatefully found out this morning.

"Do you mind?" I asked, deceptively calm. I was sure the tick throbbing beneath my eye was going to become a permanent thing. It would probably go off when even in the same room as Dallas and Sam, like a Walker Radar.

Great, Superman had flight, Thor had his Hammer, and I had a Walker Radar.

Life, you really are a bitch.

"Hm," was Sam's response, deepening his contact with my skin. I fought back the delighted shivers that threatened to weaken my resolve.

"You're already walking on thin ice buddy," I snapped. "What gave you the damn right to strip me, huh? Honestly, tell me, what possessed you to do that?"

Sam gave me a tolerant look. "The doctor said to keep you cool. What better way to keep you cool than to keep you naked? Don't worry," he winked. "I didn't see anything you didn't want me to see."

I slapped my palm against my forehead. Getting a straight answer from a Walker was like pulling teeth without numbing cream - only much more painful.

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