Chapter One: Wedding Jitters

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Hey guys, just wanna let you all know that it's not compulsory for you to read Right Where She Belongs, however it IS highly recommended that you do to completely understand what's going on. That being said, you CAN read this one before Right Where She Belongs, but you might be a little confused in the beginning.

Anyway, enjoy!

(Oh and there is explicit language in most of my writing. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable!)

Copyrights© All Rights Reserved She Will Be Loved


[Kat's P.O.V]

I hate weddings.

That revelation came at the worst possible time imaginable.

I gulped as I looked up at the alter, my fingers clenched tightly around the bouquet of flowers in my hand. My eyes locked briefly on a pair a sweet brown eyes. The male shot the most handsome smile I'd probably ever seen, happiness and love radiating from his glowing face. The snug tux clung lovingly to his muscular form. The usually wayward strands of brown hair were sleeked back into a prim do. He held himself completely still, eyes expectant.

Oh gosh. I can't do this. What was I thinking? I wasn't ready for this.

The Wedding March was being played on an obnoxious instrument called the Organ, making it feel like I was walking to my impending doom. I slowed my pace, feeling dozens of pairs of eyes on me as I did. Someone pointedly cleared their throat and I reluctantly picked up my pace.

Before I knew it I was standing a few feet from the steps leading up into the grand alter. I veered to the left, and scurried up the stairs, ungracefully hiking up the ridiculously expensive gown.

I can't do this. Oh god! It was too much too soon. I wasn't prepared! What if I fumbled and made a complete fool of myself?

It was too late. The bride finished her climb up the stairs and turned to the brown eyed man, undying, unwavering love in her eyes even as she made the biggest mistake of her life.

"We gather here today to witness the union of Caleb Erickson and Adrian Marie Darling..." the monotonous voice of the priest immediately bored me. My grip on the small bouquet loosened and I breathed a small sigh of relief, earning a sharp look from the other bridesmaid. I shot her an incredulous look and she sniffed disdainfully, tilting her head up in a bitchy manner.

Yeah well, I never liked you either Ms stick-up-my-skinny-ass.

The bride was a sight for sore eyes. The material was tight all along her torso, accentuating her small, curvy form before flaring out delicately from her waist in rivers of white fabric. Her hair was free from her usual restraints and fanned around her shoulders in brilliant blonde curls which were entwined with little white roses. Her make-up was done to perfection, highlighting her angelic face. She didn't need blush as her cheeks were naturally pink, a light dusting of eyeshadow making the brown of her doe eyes pop.

I sighed mournfully at her youthful beauty. So young, so beautiful.

So goddamn naive.

I sighed again. Fortunately, this time the posh lady ignored me. Unfortunately, it drew the attention of one of the best men.

He smiled.

Really, it was ridiculous the way my heart fluttered at that one tiny, obnoxious little smug grin. Hell, I saw it practically everyday, I should have been well used to it by this point. Apparently, my heart hadn't caught up to my rational brain just yet.

Sam Walker was possibly the most infuriating man I'd ever met. Handsome to boot, but infuriating all the same. Maybe it was the eyes, the same brown eyes that glinted mischievously whenever they looked at me, or maybe it was the incredibly deep voice that was clearly made to be a phone sex operator or something in that industry.

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