Chapter One

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I am so happy school is over for today! Today I had the worst school day any high school girl could think of. I basically woke up really late, struggled to get my car on, and got embarrassed by the hottest guy in school. I was walking out of 7th period and heading to my locker to get all of my stuff so I could go home. My school is pretty big so I have to walk all the way across the school to get back to my locker. As I was speed walking to my locker, I clearly wasn't paying attention, and I walked right into Kyle. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I said to myself. I immediately dropped my books which made it worse. As I looked back up at Kyle expecting him to tell me to watch where I was going, he did the exact opposite. He was very sweet about it and helped me pick up my books. I told him repeatedly that I was sorry and he said it was totally cool. After I picked everything up, we were talking for a little bit. Basically just about how we never met and he had said that he must have been blind, because he didn't notice me, which made me get butterflies in my stomach. As we were talking, this girl came up to us and leaned on Kyle's shoulder and said "why are you talking to her" and stared me up and down. I was confused, shocked, and surprised at the same time. What was this girl doing here? Why was she leaning on Kyle? I asked myself. She was pretty with long flowing blonde hair, and these bright blue eyes. She was wearing a cropped pink shirt with a heart on it and ripped jeans. She was gorgeous, but it really pissed me off what she was doing. I asked Kyle who she was and he told me that her name was Marissa and she was his girlfriend. I didn't know Kyle had a girlfriend? This couldn't get anymore embarrassing! I quickly apologized to Marissa (and Kyle) and walked away to go to my car. As I was walking away, I could tell Kyle was trying to tell me something but Marissa pulled him back. At this point I was devastated. There goes my shot of getting together with Kyle. I drove home in silence just thinking about what had happened, if I had a good reaction about it, and could they tell I was mad and upset? I didn't know, and I don't know if I want to know.

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