Chapter Six

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I texted Veronica to see if she wanted to go to the beach with me and watch the sunset. She said yes, and we told eachother we would meet up at 6pm. Later that day, I met up with Veronica and told her about everything. We had got home late, so I just got ready for bed and watched TV until I could fall asleep. Sunday I didn't really do much. Just chores, and that was about it. Monday morning I woke up and got ready for the day. Once I got to school, I didn't sit next to Kyle in homeroom because he was with his friends and I didn't want to bother them. I took a seat next to Veronica and we talked a little bit more about Saturday. Once first period started, I had sat next to Kyle. Luckily, he wasn't with Marissa. I have 1st, 3rd, and 6th period with Kyle, and Marissa is only in 3rd with us. Kyle told me that he thought about breaking up with Marissa today, but was kind of nervous to. I was a little bit shocked that Kyle could be scared of her. I mean, I get it because she's very toxic. At the end of class, I told Kyle I would talk to him in 6th since Marissa was in 3rd. Once 3rd period came along, I sat next to Veronica. At the end if 4th, I was walking to my locker to put my books away and get my lunchbox out. I noticed Kyle and Marissa talking outside of the science room. I might have been eavesdropping, but what I heard was great news! At least for me. Kyle was litterally breaking up with Marissa! Originally, Marissa just tried to control him saying how much she loved him and has been trying to do better. Kyle then blurted out that he went on a date with me and kissed me. Marissa froze in shock and looked over to see me looking back at her. She immediately stormed over to me ready to punch me right in the face, bur the principal stopped her and told both of us to go to his office. I only had to go because I needed to explain exactly what had happened. After Marissa told her side of the story to Mr. Goldenham, which was completely wrong. She made it seem like I started all the drama. She was the one who got jealous and litterally started a fight with me. Anyways, I told my side (the true side) of the story. After that, Mr. Goldenham brought in Kyle to be a witness. He said the exact story that I did and said that it all started because I bumped into him and Marissa got jealous. The principal excused me and Kyle but had Marissa stay with him. We both don't know what happened, but all we know is that we didn't see her after that.

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