Plumber Bros and Apple Bloom

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It was Afternoon time after both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom became friends again Apple Bloom was with her friends filling them in what had happen

Cream: "gosh scootaloo and diamond tiara tried killing you and sweetie belle saved you" Cheese gasp in horror

Bunga: " guys are friends again?"

Apple Bloom: "yeah it's a working progress as our old friendship will never come back to what it used to it be due to her actions and me befriending you guys, but we have made a new one like starting fresh a bit"

Bunga: "oh so like introduce yourselves to each other again?" Apple Bloom shook her head and facepalm a bit "oh"

Apple Bloom: "well anyways--" she was interrupted by bush noises coming from behind her and her friends, quickly reaction she summon her keyblade in case it was either the heartless, one of the bullies, or one of infinite minions. "who's there show yourself!?"

Out of the bushes came Luigi who was being follow by Mario who were just walking through the woods passing through

Cream: (gasp) "it's the plumber brothers, mario and luigi!!"

Bunga: (to cream)"uh you sound like we never truly met them face to face when Apple Bloom spoked to Luigi once"

Apple Bloom: "Luigi, Mario why are you guys here?"

Luigi: "we were talking about your so call destiny and he didn't believe me about it"

Mario: "oh come on how can i believe a destiny where some random keyblade wielder goes to revive 5 victims who were wrongfully killed by exposing their killers for their crimes, and stop 5 monsters from taking over the world, compare to me having to save the princess from a turtle with spikes oh his back"

Bunga: (to cream) "that sounds like a hypocrite"

Apple Bloom: "well would this keyblade proof it" she shows it to Mario who didn't notice it til now "believe luigi and me now?"

Mario: "hmmm well brother seems your right, so your Apple Bloom i'm Mario"

Apple Bloom: "nice to meet you Mario"

Cream: "uh hi mister mario i'm cream and this is cheese" cheese greeted mario

Bunga: "i'm bunga it's unbungalievable to meet you"

Apple Bloom: "yeah we're trying to save Sonic, Sunset Shimmer, Ash Ketchum, Princess Daisy, and Lincoln Loud"

Mario: "Princess Daisy!? you mean she's one of them?"

Luigi: "of course she is i'll do anything for her"

Apple Bloom: "if you want to help her we need evidence on the culprit responsible for her death as in the two known as Wario and Waluigi they must be expose by finding evidence they were responsible for her death"

Mario: "so it was those two i always figure they had something to do with her demise"

Luigi: "those killers are gonna pay but Daisy taught me we must do this correctly and find some dirt they were the ones"

Mario: "maybe exposing them will get through peach's skull that her opinions are wrong and get her to take back what she had said"

Luigi: "great idea bro come on like old times?" Mario nodded and they were off waving Apple Bloom goodbye

Bunga: "boy that was a shot talk wasn't it?"

Cream: "not everything is a long talk bunga" tuffy appear from Apple Bloom's backpack

Tuffy: "well at least you weren't shy like me, next time i'll introduce myself"

Apple Bloom: "hmm well" just then she got text from someone name S "hey this S texted me to go find Lana huh i guess that might be a clue"

Bunga: "i guess that's a start better let Starlight know" Apple Bloom nodded as she texted Starlight Glimmer on what's going on as we cut to the mario brothers preparing to take off

Mario: "so luigi how come you believe Apple Bloom when she told you she's been helping Daisy? i mean you barely know her"

Luigi: "because i followed my heart and it told me to believe her" he then rub his back blushing embarrassed like "and i've been desperate to find a way to be with Daisy again i kinda just went with it" Mario sigh a little

Mario: "typical Luigi just typical, well let's get a move on, i think we should start at the scene of the crime and that will be at the cave where Daisy was found dead"

Luigi: (sigh) "not gonna like it but if it means finding something to use against our rivals for framing Daisy and killing her than so be it" they both headed off towards the cave unaware Princess Peach had overheard their conversation and was in denial of their "claim"

Princess Peach: "no no no there's no way Wario and Waluigi did that it was all Daisy and i'm gonna follow my soon to be ex boyfriend and his brother to that cave and prove to them it was Daisy" she then set off unaware how much regret she'll have once she goes to far in her actions.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs Hasbro

Sonic belongs to SEGA

Lion Guard belongs to Disney

Mario belongs Nintendo

Tom and Jerry belongs to Hannah Barbara

Apple Bloom And The Power Of Waking 7 Part 2Where stories live. Discover now