Chapter one - New Family?

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swearing cuz ye


Chloe woke up to the irritating sound of knocking on her door. Not wanting a repeat of yesterday, she quickly shot up from her uncomfortable mattress and opened the door, only to reveal one of her least favourite staff members in the whole adoption centre

Ms. Barlow

She looked up at Chloe with a glare, as Chloe stood almost 8 inches taller then the rude woman, and opened her mouth to speak.

'Some one wants to see you in an hour, and I suggest you don't screw it up like all the other times you did, and actually look presentable for once, you hybrid freak.' She growled at the wither hybrid before slamming the door.

Chloe sighed. She already knew how this was going to go down. They were either going to hate her the minute they look at her, or take her in to either use her or send her back to the adoption centre no longer the 2 weeks later.                                                                                                                                Chloe looked around the small room, there was barely any room in there for her to stand, but She was always fine with that, and has been living in the same room for twelve years.

Twelve years...

Twelve years of living in this hell hole with people who wanted nothing but harm to come her way...

Twelve years of going in and out of homes with hope she will finally find a new family, to start again. Only for these hopes to be crushed when the send her back...

Twelve years of people telling her she was scum because of the features she was born with...

Chloe looked at the features in a small mirror that was in her bathroom...

Her thin tail with a triangle looking shape on top, swaying side to side.

Her glowing, white left eye that seemed like an endless void of blank.

Her slightly sharper teeth, which looked as though they could be used to tear through skin.

And her grey finger tips, which faded into her normal skin colour half way through her finger...

Despite how she was treated for having them, Chloe never regretted having these features. In fact, her abnormal features are her favourite part of herself. She thought they made her look cool. And that is just who she is, A confident hybrid with a loud, boisterous energy that flowed around her constantly and the ability to rip your limbs off if you challenge her.

Chloe, realising she zoned out, look over at her clock.

She had five minutes.

She Quickly ran her fingers through her hair as she tried, and failed, to make herself look 


As soon as she finished, she heard loud knocking on the door. She quickly ran over to the door and opened it, only to be dragged by the collar of her torn up shirt to the door right out side the meeting room.

'If I see you here again, you'll be drowned in healing potions, got it?' Ms. Barlow gave the hybrid a look, telling her she was serious.

Chloe nodded her head, before she opened the door and putting on a fake smile and happy attitude, greeting the family before her. she zoned out once again, thinking about the horrible feeling of a healing potion coating her skin, making it burn. Chloe  shivered at the thought before zoning back into reality.

'-Well, Ill leave you all to it then!' Ms. Barlow said with that fake happy voice. Chloe hated that happy voice, it was one of her least favourite things about meeting a new family.

Having to hear that wrenched old lady use a 'happy voice', when in reality, 

Shes a major B*tch.

Chloe's POV

I sat down on the torn up couch in front of the family, who was sitting on an identical couch across from me, and waited. I knew that if I make one wrong move, I'm toast.

'Well Chloe,' The crow hybrid with the bucket hat started. 'My name is Phil, but Dad or Dadza works if your comfortable with it. This,' Phil pointed to the tallest out of the four of them, 'Is Wilbur,' 'Hello!' Wilbur greeted politely. 'And Techno.' Techno, who I noticed is a piglin  hybrid, simply gave me a small nod. 'They're twins, and this-'

'I'm Tommy! But you can call me Big T! I'm the coolest sibling, as you can tell. So.. What do you do for fun Hmmmm?' The blonde boy with the red and white baseball Tee spoke with a loud confident voice, Similar to my own.

'Well,' I said, matching Tommy's loudness and energy. 'I really like minecraft, thats poggers, and I like playing sports too like baseball and archery!'


'HECK YEA! Last week, I made my own bow and arrow, and shot a robin that was passing by.'


Philza's POV

I watched as Tommy and Chloe talked about archery, minecraft etc. I looked over at Wilbur, who had a soft smile on his face as he watched the two loud kids.

Eventually Ms.Barlow came back and took Chloe out of the room, only to come back alone to tell me I had to make My decision...

I already knew what I had chosen the moment I saw her...


Get rekt, cliffhanger

Definitely isnt my best writing but My hand feels like its broken so I'll try and post more soon. Until then

Pog with me Eh?

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