Chapter two - My New Home?

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I think thats it but let me know if there are any other ones, Also I'm gonna add that Tommy, Wilbur and Techno are all adopted as well. There will also be a lot of POV chnages so sry for that


Chloe's POV

Ms. Barlow took me outside of the room and made me wait in the hallway while the family of four had made their decision.

I leaned against the wall and thought about what might happen. ' I hope they adopt me, they seem like nice people... ' I thought. ' No, don't get your hopes up like you did last time, it only makes things worse when they bring you back. ' I told myself. As much as I want to be part of their family, I've had some bad history with seemingly 'nice families.'

Really bad history...


About seven minutes later, Ms. Barlow silently brought me back into the room with the small, yet strange family. I looked at each of their expressions. Phil had a happy grin on his face, Wilbur held a similar smile, Techno had a blank expression on his face, although i could see his lip curly ever so slightly. Then Tommy, who was practically jumping for joy. I looked back over at Phil, who had opened his mouth, showing he was about to speak.

'Well Chloe,' He started. 'Welcome to The Family!'

My jaw practically hit the floor when he said that. 'Seriously?!' I asked. Phil simply nodded his head as his grin grew slightly wider. I flashed them all a crooked smile before Ms. Barlow told me to go pack my stuff, which was just a homemade bow, some arrows I had made and a picture. I threw my few belongings into a small brown travel bag I had and ran down the stairs, tripping on the fourth last stair and tumbling the rest of my way down. I quickly sprang back up and made my way back to the meeting room, where the family had been waiting for me.

Tommy's POV

After Chloe came back with a small brown bag, we finally left the adoption centre and hopped into the car. I watched her step into the car and look around a bit, as though she hadn't been in a car for years. We all got settled into the car, with Dad and Will in the front, Chloe on the left window side, me in the middle and Techno on my right. After we all got our seat belts on,  (look man, I live in Canada, and here we call them seat belts so...) Dadza started driving off. I turned my head over to look at the tall teen beside me.

'What are you?' I asked curiously.

Chloe and Wilbur burst out laughing, I didn't get what they were laughing that until I realised what I just said.

'TOMMY! You can't just say things like that!!' Phil shouted at me from the front.

'No, no,' Chloe said between laughs. 'It's alright, I get it a lot.'

'Rare Hybrid?' Techno asked.

'Yeah, I'm a Wither Hybrid.' Everyone except for me had a look of shock and disbelief on their faces.

'A wither Hybrid?!' Wilbur said. 'Holy sh*t!'

I started to zone out a bit as I stared at my new and only sister. She seemed to be a very odd character. With her steam punk goggles that rested on her head, her black bandanna that she had wrapped around her neck and the multiple scars that seemed to cover most of her body, I could tell she was quite a strange person, but I'm OK with that. I don't think I could've asked for a better sister, I may have only just met her but I can tell she is going to fit in great with our family, with her loud, chaotic and boisterous nature.

Chloe's POV

Once we got home, it was around 5 pm, So Phil and Techno started making supper for everyone while Wilbur went to his room to work o his music, while Tommy was left to give me a tour of the house. 

After he gave me a tour of downstairs, we headed over to the stairs. We were just about to walk up the stairs, I was knocked over by a Dog. I looked up and saw the grey/blue eyes of a husky, and started to laugh as it licked my face.

'Hey! Jet, come here boy.' Tommy said, talking to the dog who's name I'd assume is Jet.  'That's the family dog, we were thinking of letting sleep in your room if your OK with that... You are OK with that right?'

I gave a small laugh, 'Is that a question?' I said Jokingly.

We both laughed as we walked up the stairs, with Jet behind us.

First, we walked over to the first room on the right side that had a 'Keep Out! Musician at Work' sign on it. Tommy opened the door and walked in, ignoring the sign I saw. 

'Well, this is Wilbur's room, as you can see-'

'Oi! get outta here you gremlin child!' Wilbur shouted, throwing a music CD case at Tommy.           'OK, OK. We're Going, jeez' Tommy replied, while walking out with me and shutting the door.

'Prick.' Tommy muttered under his breath. 'Well, next is Techno's room.' He said, opening the next door on the right. As we walked in, I could see books scattered across the room, along with swords, axes, etc. 'And you can tell because Techno's a nerd and reads books all day.' I laughed at his comment as we walked out and headed to the last door on the right side and opened the door. 'And Phils room, pretty boring if you ask me though.' Tommy said as we walked over to the first door on the left side.

'Bathroom is right here if you need it...' He explained briefly, before heading over to the next room, which had the Mellohi and Cat discs from minecraft on the door. 'This one is my room, the best room in the house obviously.' He said before shutting the door.

Finally was the room on the far left side. I assumed it was a guest bedroom or something, since in all the previous houses I've lived at I slept on the floor or on the couch... Sometimes a small cupboard if I was lucky. 'And this room my friend,' Tommy started before opening the door. 'Is your room!' I looked around the room in disbelief. The room was a dark grey colour, with a bed I the farthest corner from me, a gaming set -up (Forgot to mention all the other bed rooms have a gaming set up as well), and A dog bed in the corner across from where we were standing.

'I get my own room?!' I asked astonished. 'Well yeah, of course you do! You live here now... Well, I'll leave you to it then. If you need me I'll be in my room.' Tommy said before closing the door.

As I sat down on the bed, Jet laid down beside me and rested his head on my lap as I petted him. 'Huh,' I thought. 'Maybe this could finally be my new home?'


LES GOOO (hahah dababy)

Sry I haven't posted in a while, Imma try to get a new chapter out every three days AT MOST, but I also have school so ye.

Welp until next time........

Pog with me yea? 

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