Chapter 6 - Shopping with the bois

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none haha you thought boi

Also, in case your wondering, Chloe has been wearing the same outfit everyday, she just washes it daily cuz she hasnt gotten new clothes

but that ends today!
Also this is a filler chapter which is not relevant to the plot


Chloe's POV

After all of my classes were done, I went to go meet up with Tommy. When I got closer to the bike rack, I could see Tubbo talking to him. When I finally got there, Tubbo and Tommy turned over to look at me. 'Oh, Hi Chloe! The shorter of the two said. 'Hey Tubbo!' I replied. Tommy looked back over at Tubbo. 'Welp Tubs, Me and Chloe should probably head out, Dadza wants to take us shopping.' 'Oh, Ok! See you two later!' The brunette waved goodbye to use as we peddled off.  

'So, what do you think of school Chloe?' Tommy asked as we biked back to the house. 'It's great! Well,' Chloe paused for a moment. 'It has it's downs, but it's still alright...' 'Oh, let me guess, you ran into Charlotte huh?' Tommy asked. I nodded.  'Yeah, but I made some friends as well, I think their names are Ranboo, Billzo and Freddie?' 'Oh I know those guys! Pretty pogchamp fellas.' 'Yeah...' We continued biking down the sidewalk until we made it to the house. When we got there we put our bikes and helmets in the sheds and made our way to the door.

When we opened the door, we were greeted by Philza reading a book, sitting in the living room. 'Oh, hey guys! Techno and Wil should be here soon, and then we're going shopping for clothes and room décor for Chloe and maybe some food as well.' 'Alright! Thanks dAdZa' Tommy said before turning to me. 'Do you want to come to my room and play some Minecraft with me?' I scoffed. 'Is that even a question?? Of coarse I do!' We both ran up to his room and got out some controllers.

 'Is that even a question?? Of coarse I do!' We both ran up to his room and got out some controllers

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Tommy's Controller ^

Chloe's Controller ^

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Chloe's Controller ^

(You can pick if they play on switch or Xbox but for the sake of the story, the controllers are compatible with either Xbox or Switch)

10 Minutes later

'OH TOMMYYY!!!!!' 



After a while, I started chasing Tommy around a sword a bow. He didn't seem to be enjoying it, but me on the other hand.....

'Aw man this is fun' 'NO IT IS NOT THIS IS NOT FUN I SHOULD BE CHASING PEOPLE AROUND WITH WEAPONS AND COMMITTING CRIMES AND- AND GETTING ALL THE GIIIIRLS!' We both burst out laughing as we heard the door opened. 'ALRIGHT TOMMY, CHLOE! DOWNSTAIRS PLEASE!!' 'ONE SEC PHILL!!' I yelled back. Before walking down the stairs, I leaned down close to Tommy's ear and said: 'And I think we both know who is better at committing criiiimes Tommy.' I quickly ran down the stairs, trying not to get tackled by Tommy. 'GET BACK HERE YOUUU BITCH!!' I laughed as he jumped on my back, causing us to both fall down the stairs. We both burst out laughing  as Phil, Techno and Wil stared at us. 'How are you not hurt?!' Phil asked. We both simply shrugged our shoulders and made our way towards the door. 'Whatever, get your shoes on you two, we're going shopping. Me and Tommy nodded as we slipped our shoes in and ran out the door and out to the car. We sat there, waiting for everyone else to get in. 

After everyone was in the car, Phil started driving out of the driveway, with Me, Tommy and Wilbur in the back and Techno beside Phil. Of coarse, there would be various stores Tommy would say... Well, yell that he wanted to go to, but Phil said, and I quote: 'We are going to the mall, and that's that.'

Once we got into the mall, I looked around. I had never been in a mall before, and I didn't really have any idea of what it was, so I was amazed when I looked around and saw all these people going into the different stores that were scattered around the building. 'Alright, I know you guys probably want to go do your own things, So, Tommy and Chloe, you two need to stay together, same goes for you, Techno and Wil, I don't want anyone lost. Here is some money for each of you. Now, go do whatever it is you teenagers do. 

Once Phil let us go, Tommy immediately started dragging me to the escalator that went down. 'I know a great store we can go to! Trust me, you'll love it.' We hopped onto the escalator and waited until it brought us all the way down.

Tommy dragged me to what I assumed was a Minecraft themes store. I was in shock. 'Minecraft stores are a thing?!?' I asked. 'Yep! And they're great too! come on.' Me and Tommy went into the store and started looking around. I grabbed a few things I liked, like a minecraft poster, a creeper plush, A diamond sword/pickaxe and a few other things. Once we payed, we left the store to find myself some clothes.

'What about that one? It looks pretty cool.' Tommy said, pointing to a clothes shop that read 'Erets clothe empire'. 'Sure, why not.' So we walked into the store. When I looked around, I realized just how much thins store has. It has things from dresses, to graphic Tee's. I picked up a dark grey/ black tye-dye sweater, it wasn't half bad I suppose. After that, I got a few more things, I got a orange sweater, a blue sweater, two pairs of jeans (one black, one blue), Some black sweat pants, two t-shirts (one black, one white). When we went to go check out, we were met by a employ wearing a strawberry dress with shades. 'Hi, I'm Eret!' They said. 'Ohhhhh, he must be the owner here' I thought. 'Hi! I'm Chloe and this is Tommy.' 'Oh! I think I know your guy's dad... Philza right?' We both nodded. 'That's cool.' After he scanned all of my clothes, he waved good bye to us as we made our way back up-stairs, to look for more décor for my room. 'I think there is another gaming type store if you wanna go there.' Tommy said. 'Sure!'

Time skip, brought to you by me, not wanting to bore you with shopping!! WOooO

After we were done shopping, we met up with Phil back at the car. Once we all got in, Philza started driving..... but of course.. 'PHILLLL!!!! CAN WE GET MCDONALDS!!???' Tommy shouted/said loudly. 'NO! You don't need it.' 'But PhiiiiIiiiIIIillL! I'm hungry!!' I laughed, Tommy can act like a 7 year old sometimes. 'aAh! Fine!' 'WoooO!!'


1176, like I said, filler chapter, HOWEVER!! DO NOT FEAR!! I HAVE BIG AND ANGSTY PLANS FOR THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, I should go work on it now, or I'll forget again and it won't come out for another ten years so BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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