Chapter Four - School

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Swearing, bullying, homophobic slurs, slight blood(Just a small scrape tho) (might be all but tell me if there is more)

I have decided to do the school  first because I think I have some really good ideas for it, and do  a shopping chapter next so ye. ALSO THIS IS A LONGER CHAPTER SO SORRY THAT IT CAME OUT A BIT LATeR!!!


Chloe's POV

(A couple day later)

I woke up to a blaring alarm sound coming from my phone beside me. I picked up my phone and realised what day it was. 'Holy Sh*t! It's my first day of school!'   I have been living with the Minecraft family for three days now, and I'm starting to get a bit... suspicious, I suppose. Usually, someone would've already hit, cut, or do something to hurt me, but they haven't done anything. 'Maybe they are trying to drag it on so it hurts more' I sighed, this isn't how I'm starting my day, I refuse to, so I get up and walk down the stairs, Jet on my tail. When I get downstairs, I see Techno and Tommy awake, Techno making pancakes and Tommy scrolling through twitter. 'Morning!' I greet the pair. Techno gives me a small nod. 'Breakfast should be ready soon.' He said. I nodded and went to go sit down beside Tommy.

'Wassup Tommy.' I say as I throw myself into the spot beside him. 'Nothin much, you excited for school?' 'Heck ya!' 'That's pog, you think you're going to join any sports teams or clubs?' He asked me. 'Hmmm,' I said, thinking for a moment. 'Is there a Baseball or Hockey team?' 'Yeah! There's a Hockey team.' 'Well you better believe I'm joining that team then!' 'Very cool, very cool.' He replied. 'Tommy! Chloe! Breakfast is done!' Techno called. We both got up from our spots and made our way over to the kitchen, where there was a plate of pancakes in the middle of the table. 'Grab however many you want,' Techno added 'I gonna go wake up Wil and Dad.' Me and Tommy nodded as the pinkette walked up the stairs.

I took a small pancake that I found and put it on my plate, while Tommy took about three decent sized ones. We both poured way too much syrup on our pancakes before gulping them down. By the time we were finished, Phil and Wil were finally awake. I decided to go upstairs and finish getting ready for school. 

When I got up to my room, I looked through my bag, trying to find my other pair of clothes, since I only have two. After rummaging through the small brown travellers bag, I found a pullover sweater with tears in it (the patter of the sweater is the same as the pattern on my profile pic), a white shirt, a pair of black and slightly ripped jeans and some socks with holes in them. As I was looking for my goggles and bandanna, I found a pair of black finger-less gloves in the bottom of my bag. I decided to put them on, I mean, they looked cool so....

After I found my bandanna and goggles, I slipped them both on and walked down the stairs to see everyone else is just about ready to go as well. As I walked over to my worn out black sneakers, Tommy approached me. 'Hey! Chloe, I'm going to bike to school, wanna come? You can use Wilbur's old bike!' I smiled, I love biking. 'Yeah, sure!' 'Nice! You're bag packed?' He asked. 'Yup, packed it last night.' 'Alright, come on. BYE DAD! ME AND CHLOE ARE BIKING!!!' Tommy shouted out to Phil. 'ALRIGHT! JUST WEAR A HELMET YOU TWO!' He shouted back. 'AND BE CAREFUL!' 'We will be!!' With that, me and Tommy head out the door with our bags and walked over to the shed. Tommy took the keys he had in his hands and unlocked the shed. When he walked in, he pointed to a dark blue bike. 'That's Wil's old bike,' He then pointed to a black helmet that was hanging on the wall by a nail. 'And you can use that helmet.' 'OK' Tommy then walked over to a red bike, around the same size as the one I was using and grabbed a matching helmet, while I grabbed the bike and helmet he showed me. 

After Tommy and I had our helmets on, we hoped on our bikes. 'Just follow me!' He called back to me, while starting to peddle away. I starting peddling after him, catching up to him fairly quickly. 'Holy Sh*t Your fast!' He commented, barely having to look back to see me. 'What can I say, I'm a speedy biker.' 'Well Don't run into me!' 'Pfft, please, I'm too skilled to do such a thing' Tommy scoffed. 'Alright, we'll see.'

Around ten minutes later, we arrived at a large-ish school. We biked over to a bike rack and locked our bikes to it, so that no one would steal them. After me and Tommy hung our helmets onto the handle bars of our bikes, Tommy spoke up. 'Well, I'm going to find my friend Tubbo, if you need me just shot me text and I'll see you after school or during class or-... I'll see you later' I waved goodbye as he ran to find this Tubbo character. I looked around the school yard. 'I should probably go inside and get my schedule.' I thought, and that's is exactly what I did.

After I grabbed my schedule and locker number from the principle, I walked back into the hallway, ready to head over to my locker. As I was walking over there, I felt myself trip over someones foot. I fell to the ground, scraping my knee, allowing a bit of blood to come out of the scrap. I heard laughing as I pushed myself off the ground. When I looked up, I saw a group of four to five girls laughing at me. I approached the girls, looking down slightly as the were only 5'8 or 5'9, while I stood at 6'1. 'So, I take it your the new girl.' The girl in the front said. 'That would be me.' I replied. she scoffed as she looked me up and down. 'I'm surprised they would let hybrid scum like you in this school.' she said. 'Look,' I started, already get fed up with this brat. 'I don't know who you are, but you make me want to punch you in that make-up filled face of yours, so can you kindly piss off' I growled. She laughed. 'Yeah right! Look at you, you're a f*cking-' 'Charlotte piss of dude!' A boy around the same height as me, with black hair, a nose and ear piercing and black bandanna with a red dot wrapped around stepped forward, with two boys beside him. One of the boys looked around 6'6, he appeared to be a enderman hybrid of some sort, with black and white split hair, a tail with the same colour pattern and one of his eyes were green, while the other resembled the colour of blood. The other boy there was around 6'4, with hair slightly lighter than mine that had a faded streak of red going through it. 'What do you want you f*ggot' Charlotte snarled. 'You deaf? I said I want you to PISS OFF' he said, stepping closer to the girl. She scoffed, but still walked away, with her little group of b*tches following her.

The raven haired boy turned hos attention over to me and stuck his hand out for me to shake. 'I'm Billzo!' he greeted he pointed to the tall enderman hybrid. 'That's Ranboo,' he than pointed to the slightly shorter boy. 'And that's Freddie!' I took his hand. 'Very Pog! nice to meet you guys!' I said enthusiastically. 'Hey Chloe.' Ranboo said. I turned to him. 'Wassup?' 'What type of hybrid are you?' 'Wither.' I answered. All of their eyes widened, as expected. 'Isn't that one of the most rare hybrids ever??' Freddie asked, I nodded. 'Holy Sh*t that's cool!.... So, what's your first class?' Billzo asked me. I looked down at my paper. 'Uh, phys ed by the looks of it.' 'Oh, that's our first class as well, we can take you there if you'd like.' Ranboo said. 'Sure!'

As we were walking to the gym, Freddie looked at me. 'Not to be rude or anything,' He started. 'But how did you manage to pick up a fight with the most popular girl in school, within the first, what? Seven minutes of you being here?' I laughed. 'Well it makes me sound like an ass-hole when you put it like that! But, I was walking to my locker and she tripped me.' I said, gesturing to the cut on my knee, which seemed to still be bleeding a bit. 'Oh yeah, we can get a bandage or something from Mrs. Tralken when we get to the gym.' Freddie said. I nodded, assuming Mrs. Tralken was the phys ed teacher.

Maybe going to school will be fun.......


ok I have decided that this will be a two parter and do chapter six as the shopping one, cuz this is already 1538 words and you guys will get to read this chapter sooner rather than later

Welp, i gtg write the second part to this.........



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