Chapter 8 - Run

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Yelling, Fighting, Swearing, Running away, blood, stealing, homeless teen, throwing of scissors? (not sure about the last one but just want to make sure)

mmm yez angst mmm yes


Chloe's POV

stomp, stomp, stomp

'Shit, shit, shit, this is not good.'


'They're getting closer, think Chloe THINK!!'


'WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?' Wilbur ran over to his guitar, desperately trying to put the piece back together. 'CHLOE WAS THIS YOU?!?!' 'Wil I'm sorry my tail hit it and-' 'SHUT UP! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!!' 'What the fuck is going on?!' Philza asked. 'CHLOE BROKE MY FUCKING GUITAR!! YOU SHITHEAD!' Phil sighed. 'Wilbur, come talk to me downstairs.' Wilbur stomped out of his room with Phil and Techno, who just got here.

I didn't know what to do, so I didn't do anything. I sat there in shock. I suddenly started mindlessly walking towards the stairs and sat down, listening to their conversation.  

'Wilbur, you need to calm down mate-' 'CALM DOWN?! THAT FUCKING BITCH BROKE MY GUITAR! Phil, you may not like what I'm about to say, but someone has to. We need to give her back. All she does is cause problems! I heard she punched a kid at school the other day for fucks sake!' Techno sighed. 'I did hear that she picked a bit of a fight with Charlotte....' He replied.

I sat on the stairs, trying to comprehend what just happened. But all that came to my mind was one word...


Just run, they don't want you here so do them a favor and just leave......

I went up to my room and grabbed my bag. I put my phone in there, along with a water bottle I had laying around in my room and a small first aid kit. I slipped on my goggles, bandana and gloves before opening the window. I looked around to find something I could use to get down. Right next to the window I saw a tree branch, so I grabbed onto it and made my way down the tree it was connected to.

I started walking down the sidewalk. My walking turned into speed-walking, My speed-walking turned into jogging, and soon enough I was sprinting down the sidewalk, getting as far away as I could.

A few hours later 

I looked around. I didn't recognize the area, so I assumed I ended up in a near by town. I had about half of my water left in the bottle, but I had no food. I looked at a near by convenience store. 'If I'm sneaking enough, I could get away with stealing some chips....' I thought. So I made my way to the small store.

I opened the door, greeted by the noise of a little bell. I looked over at the cashier and nodded as a greeting. My eyes scanned the shelves, searching for what I wanted. Once I found the chips, I put them in my bag and tried to leave as discreetly as possible, but-

'HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!' The cashier yelled at me. My eyes widened as a made a mad dash for the door, the man following me with a pair of scissors. He threw the scissors at me, causing a large gash to appear on my leg, leaving a blood stain on my pants. Despite the pain I was in, I kept running. I looked behind me to see that the man finally left. I sighed in relief and made my way to a forest/bush looking place.

I wondered through the bushes for a bit before finding a small opening and sitting down. I opened my bag and pulled out the first aid kit. I pulled out some bandaging and a cloth and pulled up my pant leg, I cleaned the cut on my leg before wrapping the bandaging around it. I pulled out my bag of chips, pulled down my bandana and started eating. 'And I thought I might actually be able to get a proper family.' I scoffed to myself. 'Honestly, it's my fault for getting my hopes up so high. I mean, who would even want to be friends with a freak like me? I'm loud, aggressive, annoying... man, I could go on for hours about all the things people could hate about me.'  I suddenly heard a rustling from the bushes, I picked up the nearest stick and held it out in defense, expecting something to jump out and attack me, however, I was not ready for what actually came out of that bush...

'Uh, Hello!' In front of me stood a boy around my age, he wore a purple sweater with light grey jeans and matching purple converse. He had purple eyes and blonde hair that seemed to have a slight grey tint to it.

'Hi, uh.... Who are you exactly, and where did you come from?' I asked him. 'Oh, my name is Purpled, and I live around here y'know? Don't have a house or anything. My parents didn't really like me, so they kicked me out! ..... What about you? Where did you come from? Also, what hybrid are you?' 'Well, I'm a Wither hybrid. Where I came from? I just found out that two of my adopted brothers didn't want me so I did them a favor and left.' I told him. 'Why wouldn't they want you? You seem pretty cool.' He said, sitting down. 'Oh trust me, of you get to know me, you'll understand.'

Philza's POV

We had all been searching the house frantically, looking for Chloe. 'WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DID WILBUR?!?' Tommy screamed at him. 'IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!! SHE BROKE MY FUCKIN GUITAR!!!' 'BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!! Fighting isn't gonna bring her back. She clearly left.' I saw all of their faces drop, including Wil's. 'Left? No, she wouldn't leave....' Tommy said. I felt really bad for them, especially Tommy, as he was the closest to her. I suddenly began to worry,  she's been gone for hours, who knows where she could even be at this point?

I decided to grab the keys. 'Tommy, you come with me. We're are going to go to that town near by, she might be there. Wil and Techno, you search around town, ask her friends and do anything you possibly can.' The two boys nodded as me and Tommy head out to the car. 

Me and Tommy sat down and took off. 'Dadza....' 'Hm?' 'What if- What if we don't find Chloe...' I put a hand on Tommy's leg. 'Don't worry mate, we'll find her.' Tommy gave a soft hum in response and leaned his head against the window. I sighed, I really hope we find her. She must've over heard me, Techno and Wil talking.... That must be why she left. 'Please say you're somewhere safe Chloe....'




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