Chapter 2:Pump

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Meanwhile,in another house far away from Skid and Lila,there was a boy with curly black hair,black eyes,bruies on his face,a short-sleeved black t-shirt,black trousers and black sneackers with white shoe-laces,his name is Pump.

Pump was in his bedroom with tears in his eyes,he was laying on the floor with blood running down his face.He looked at his mom,who had black braids,cyan eyes,a black and white dress and black high heels,her name is Christina.

Pump's eyes went from black to cyan,it was something he inherited from his mom(the cyan eyes).

Christina:Next time,think twice before breaking my vase.
Pump:But it wasn't me-
Christina:One more word from you and I'll increase your punishment,understand?
Pump:Yes ma'am.

With that being said,Christina walked out off Pump's room,leaving Pump alone.

Pump wiped off his tears and sat on his bed.

Pump pov:At this point,I'm not even suprised that I'd end up bleeding.I should go wash of the blood just in case one of mom's friends come.

But before he went to wash his face,he heard laughter from outside,he looked out his window and saw kids playing with eachother and trick or treating.

Pump:Those kids out there must be having a lot of fun outside,I wish I could go outside and have fun like them.

Just then,Pump had an idea.

Pump pov:Maybe I can go outside and play.But then again mom will be furious with me.

Just then,Christina walked into Pump's room with a first aids cit and cleaned the blood off him and treated his wound.

Christina:Be grateful I still need you alive so you can do house work.
Pump:Thank you,ma'am.
Christina:Yeah yeah whatever,anyway,I'm going to my friend's house,I'll be back in two hours,don't do anything while I'm gone,capiche?
Pump:Yes ma'am.

Christina walked out of Pump's room.Pump looked in his drawer next to his bed,opened it and took his watch.

Pump:I think I can go out now but only for two hours,hopefully I don't run into her while I'm out.

With that being said,Pump got out off his room and walked to the door,opened it and went outside to have fun while he can.


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