Chapter 8:A friendly conversation

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Lila looked at her watch and so that it was quarter to twelve(20 minutes till midnight).

Lila:Where are Skid and Pump?They should've been here by now.

Worried about the behalves of her son and his friend,Lila got of the couch and went outside to look for them.Lila went to the park but couldn't find them,she went to the playground but couldn't find them,she went to a valley,which is a bit far from their place and saw Skid and Pump sleeping.

Lila:Aww,look at them sleeping peacefully.
???:I know right.

Lila turned around and saw Susie and her parents.

Susie:The kid wearing the pumpkin mask is my cousin,who might be my little brother.
Susie's mom:What Susie is trying to say is that we're planning on adopting Pump,Lila.(Lila is friends with Susie's mom btw)
Lila:Oh,but doesn't he already have a parent?
Susie's dad:No,his mom,Christina,has been abusing Pump this whole time.
Susie's dad:I just said that,weren't you listening?
Lila:I was listening,I'm just shocked.
Susie's mom:Anyways,let's just take each of our kids to our homes.
Susie:Wait,is that skeleton your child?
Lila:Of course he's my child,why would I take a random kid who I've never met?
Susie:Just being catious.

Lila picked up Skid and took him to her home whilst Susie picked up Pump and took him home,along with his parents.

(Sorry this chapter is short and meaningless,I just didn't have anymore ideas)

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