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Miabelle held her breath, she mentally prepared herself for the aching feeling of her hair being pulled. This had happened countless times before, at every single school she had been to since moving to Korea, and today seemed like nothing more than a normal day.

The boy, Daejung, reached his grubby little hand out and snatched a lock of curly hair, tugging it as hard as he could. Miabelle could hear him and his friends laughing behind her as she held back a wave of tears.

"Please leave me alone", Miabelle whispered, stepping away.

Daejung laughed and tugged on the hair again, "Oh please, with hair like this, what am I supposed to do?", his friends again laughed in agreeance, the annoying (and biggest suck-ups you'd ever meet) were always like this, boosting Daejung's ego at every chance they got.

Before anything else could be said, there was a yell from behind the four, it was a girl's voice, and when Daejung turned around, he saw a tall girl with fiery red hair, her fists clenched tightly as she glared at him.

"Leave her alone Daejung!", She yelled.

Daejung rolled his eyes and turned to his friends, "Hey guys! look who it is!", He laughed, "It's the Ox!".

The girl crossed her arms and walked to Miabelle, shoving one of Daejung's friends out of her way.

"Are you okay?", She asked.

Miabelle nodded, and the girl helped her up. The girl was much taller than Miabelle and her skin was white as snow, it was easy to see her red face from how angry she was.

"Daejung, I'm warning you. If you don't leave her alone, you will be in a world of hurt!".

Daejung stepped over to the girl, bending down to her face level, "What are you going to do about it, Ox?".

Before Miabelle could even blink, the girl punched Daejung hard in the nose, knocking him straight to the ground.

Daejung held his nose in pain, it was pouring blood. Miabelle could have sworn that he was crying.

"Hey!", Principal Yang yelled, "Oxana detention! Now."

Oxana rolled her eyes, "Mr. Yang, I was just defending myself-"

"Oxana, I saw what you did", Mr. Yang sighed, "What is it with you attacking your classmates?".

Oxana rose a brow, "Attacking? This is absolute-"

"Detention!", Mr. Yang turned to Miabelle, "And you too!".

Miabelle picked her book bag off the floor, "What did I do? He was the one pulling my hair!".

"If your hair wasn't so distracting, he wouldn't have played with it would he?"

That wasn't the first time Miabelle had heard that.

Miabelle shook her head and turned around, Oxana, on the other hand, stood her ground with her hands on her hips.

"With all due respect Mr. Yang, how is hair distracting?"

"Oxana Demchenko! Office now."

But Oxana didn't budge.

"I just want to know how hair is considered distracting?".

"Oxana", Miabelle whispered, "It's okay, it happens all the time".

Oxana refused to listen, and Mr. Yang was beginning to get angry and Oxana was just waiting for him to tick. But in all honesty, it was unfair, he didn't even bother to scold the boys who actually caused the entire problem but rather he sent the two girls who were apparently not acting correctly to detention just because he wanted to justify the boy's actions.

Mr. Yang scanned Oxana, looking up and down, "Oxana, I just realized you are going against the dress code of the school, and sadly, if you don't adhere to the rules it could result in suspension and I know your parents couldn't afford to send you to another school, now could they?".

Oxana's face suddenly changed, he was right, her parents would never be able to send her to another school. She had always been poor, and her family was just starting it get their life back together with her father's new job. This wasn't an argument she wanted to continue.

"Let's go", She said, looping her arm with Miabelle's and walking up the office.

"So, you were born in Paris?", Oxana asked.

Miabelle nodded, "Yup, then I moved to London when my father got a new job, I was 6 months old I believe".

"Wow, I moved to Korea when I was 4. I'm from Ukraine, Kosiv to be exact. Do you have any siblings?".

"2 of them, a brother and sister".

"You make that sound like a bad thing, I have 5 siblings! And I'm the oldest!", Oxana laughed, "How old are you?".

"I'm ten, what about you?"

"Ten in a half, I'll be 11 in February".

The two girls whispered their conversation while the principal was out, and he had been out for a few hours now. But things were suddenly cut short when the door slammed open.

Mr. Yang stepped holding onto a boy with glasses, not letting him squirm away. After the boy sat down, Mr. Yang left without a word, glaring at Oxana on the way out.

"Mingi!", Oxana giggled, "What are you doing here?".

Mingi shrugged, "You didn't come to class, so I figured you were in trouble. Who's this?"

"This is Miabelle, she's from London!", Oxana turned to Miabelle, "Miabelle, this is Song Mingi, my one and only friend in this entire school."

"Nice to meet you Mingi".

Mingi smiled, "Thank you, it's nice to meet you too! Oh, your hair is so pretty!", he looked at Miabelle's perfect little curls, they spiraled down to her shoulders like a little black waterfall, and Mingi thought they were the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

Miabelle held back a small blush, turning her head and whispering a sweet thank you.

And from this moment on, a friendship was born, Oxana, Miabelle, and Mingi became closer and closer until Miabelle suddenly had to go back to London when her parents began to have problems.

The three for the first time said goodbye and promised to never forget each other, and they never did. Years later, the friends became three again and a new world of experiences and problems came as they got older.

But hey,

This is high school after all.

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