Chapter 1

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Miabelle knocked on the front door, inside the apartment she could hear the sound of children squealing and running all over the place, she cringed, preparing herself for what was inside. Mingi bumped her with his side, letting her know that he was with her, despite the sound of a whole circus blowing up inside.

"He has my shoe!", San yelled from inside.

"Give him a pastry, he'll let it go!", Oxana yelled back.

Mingi and Miabelle looked at each other.

"Should we turn around?", Mingi asked, "We could always come back later-".

"No, we promised Xana that we would help her babysit", Miabelle gulped, "her 7 siblings and 3 cousins".

Oxana had begged Miabelle and their friends to help her babysit, as shocking as it sounded for some people, Oxana had 9 siblings and an abundance of cousins, 2 of the siblings were old enough to go and do their own thing during the day, which meant that Oxana would be babysitting the little monsters all by herself unless Miabelle recruited help. Oxana came from a HUGE family and it was probably the loudest bunch of family members you would ever meet, the oldest out of the remaining 7 kids was 11 and he was a whole different kind of monster, Oxana was always trying to keep him in line, the youngest of them all was 16 months old, and she cried if Oxana set her down for even 5 seconds and the only other people who could hold Nina was San and Miabelle, but by the sounds of it, it sounded like San was occupied at the moment.

Miabelle knocked on the door, and in a matter of seconds, it was opened by a heavily stressed Seonghwa, who just so happened to have Oxana's 7-year-old brother, Ivan, wrapped around his ankle. It did not look like he was going to let go anytime soon.

"Thank God your here! I was starting to think you changed your mind", Seonghwa forced a smile, "Oxana's in the kitchen and avoid the kid's room, Hongjoong is being held hostage by the twins".

Miabelle and Mingi took off their shoes at the door and stepped inside. Just like Miabelle had feared, the entire house was full of screaming and extremely obnoxious children, before Mingi could even try sneaking away, Miabelle grabbed him by the collar, pulling him further into the mess.

When Oxana caught a glimpse of Miabelle, she gasped, running over and wrapping her arms around Miabelle tightly, she squeezed Miabelle so tight that Miabelle could feel how bony Oxana's arms were.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, I'm going insane here", Oxana sighed. Suddenly, Alexei pulled a hot pot of soup off the counter, shattering it on the tile floor, Oxana quickly pulled the 4-year old away from the hot mess, checking him for any burns, Alexei cried and cried, and Miabelle could see how stressed she was.

"I'll clean this up", Miabelle said, "Mingi, hand me the towels please".

Oxana cradled the screaming boy in her arms, trying to soothe him, she was thankful that the sound only scared him he wasn't hurt or anything.

"I'm sorry guys", Oxana cried, "My parents need help and I didn't know what to do- then my cousins came to visit while their mum was sick, and I just-", Oxana was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Oxana, it's okay", Miabelle whispered, "take a deep breath, why didn't you call us earlier?"

"Because I thought I could do it"

"Why are you so stubborn?", Mingi laughed.

"As stubborn as an OX", Miabelled laughed, kissing Oxana on the cheek, "Now calm down and let's get these monsters in line".

Oxana sighed, looking at the mess, "What are we going to do? It's not like I can get them to listen to anyone, even Adola tried to talk to them and they didn't care. They are spawns of the devil".

Miabelle looked around, "Have you tried taking them to the park?".

"It's fall, and could you imagine taking this many kids to the park? I'll lose one of them".

"That wouldn't be too bad", Mingi mumbled.

Suddenly there was a scream from the kids room, it sounded like Hongjoong.

Oxana stood up, "I'll go save him, could you pretty please finish dinner?", She stared at Miabelle with round eyes, "I know how to cook it's just-"

"Just go, We'll be fine~"

After Oxana ran off, Miabelle and Mingi started to get to work making the kitchen usable before they started cooking. Oxana was an amazing cook and she always baked amazing goods, but when she stressed you could always tell, and with when her sanity went, so did her baking skills.

The kitchen looked as if a bomb was dropped on it, baby toys were scattered on the counter and in the sink, there was old dried food on the floor and Miabelle was sure something just moved in the sink.

"Okay, Oxana should not have to babysit like this", Mingi said as he picked up something that resembled underwear, "It makes her emotionally unstable".

"I know but she says that her family needs help and she never asks for help, so it must be bad".

"You don't think her parents are losing the restaurant do you?"

Miabelle shrugged, "It's hard to say, summer has always been like this for her".

Mingi took a deep breath before pulling a plug out of the sink, letting all the water drain, "Your siblings aren't even this bad".

"Oh there not that bad, their just spirited-"

There was a loud crash in the main room, followed by Oxana cursing at someone in Ukrainian. Miabelle and Mingi peaked their heads around the corner to see what happened, it was a vase of Oxana's great-grandmother's, and the three who knocked it down will be lucky if they didn't die within the next couple minutes.

Well, this was a shaky start to a new school year. 

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