Chapter 3

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It was the first day of school, the last year.

Miabelle stood at the front gates looking in, it would be the last year that she would walk through those gates and walk the school's halls, she was growing up as was everything around her. She looked around, the tree that she, Mingi, and Oxana had lunch under was still there, new kids sit underneath it now, it all gave Miabelle a flashback of when they were younger, they joked and played under that tree, she could even hear Oxana teaching her how to say certain words in Ukrainian, life seemed so simple then, it was just the three of them.

She loved the others, there was no doubt about that, but, she couldn't help but miss old times when it was just the three of them before each began to make their own friends, of course, Miabelle was thankful that all of their friends became a large group of friends, but she still wondered what would have happened if it was just them, the three musketeers.

She was growing up, everything was, growing up was inevitable but a part of her still longed for the past. Miabelle wouldn't have many classes with Mingi or Oxana this year, apparently, their schedules were very different, especially Oxana's, who had decided to take tons of extra classes for college credits.

Miabelle sighed as she walked inside, no one was waiting on the staircase outside the school for her, she didn't blame anyone, it wasn't their fault, it was a new school year and things were changing, she was too kind to blame anyone.

The crisp wind blew at Miabelles uniform, giving her a freezing chill, she mentally cursed herself for not deciding to wear some pants under the skirt, she could feel people's prying eyes as she walked into the school, people always looked at her in such a way, either she was something odd or a novelty, a prize to be one because she was simply not Korean, Oxana experienced something similar, but it was mostly because of how thin she was, something that was cherished and encouraged in South Korea. Oxana weighed only 46 kgs, but she usually lied saying it was much more when anyone asked, even her own mother didn't know her real weight, but Miabelle knew.

Miabelle discovered Oxana's weight after they video chatted one night, Miabelle was far away in England and Oxana was still in Korea, missing her best friend. Oxana had always been a chubby little girl, and many times she was made fun of, especially when she was in ballet class, at first it didn't bother her, she continued eating as normally but one day the words stabbed right into her soul. Oxana had confessed her love for one of the boys in her class, she was only 14 at the time, but still struggling to achieve that "perfect figure" ballet dancers had, she was rejected and laughed at, the words piercing her heart, Oxana would never forget those words. Oxana suddenly felt disgusting in her own skin, breaking down and sobbing in front of the mirror, that's where the addiction started, the addiction with her body and weight.

Miabelle shivered at the memory, at every chance Oxana got she avoided eating, Miabelle had only been back in Korea for a short time, but the weight loss was highly evident of Oxana restricting again, while Miabelle was busy worrying for her dear friend and wondering how to ask Oxana if she needed help, she felt someone brush up beside her.

It was Adola and Yeosang.

"Oh hey guys", Miabelle said, scanning the couple, whose uniforms were altered, something that Hongjoong had done for a couple of years now, "It's nice to see some friends I must say".

Adola smiled, "We were running late, but somehow we managed to make it in time", She looked over to Yeosang, whose bad-boy image tried desperately to keep his normal self from showing, "Have you seen anyone else? We went to Oxana's house but her mom said she left early with Wooyoung and San, and we texted everyone and no one will answer our texts".

Oh gosh, what could they possibly be doing now?

Miabelle sighed, taking a seat on a bench at the entrance of the school, she fished a morsel of food out of her bag and began to eat it, "Have you tried calling them?", she asked, trying to swallow the food that sat in her throat.

Adola nodded, "Of course I did, they haven't answered", She paused, "I'm a little worried".

Adola was never worried.

Miabelle stood up, "What if they are skipping school?", her mind swirled with worry and annoyance, "I figured since Oxana had such a huge crush on Mr. Kim she would at least show up for his class, but to not show up at all...Oh my land, what if they're hurt?".

Adola held onto her arm, "We must find them, but first, let's go to the office and talk to the principal".

"Your right!", Miabelle walked quickly with Adola, Yeosang followed behind, trying to hold back a smile.

The office was only up the stairs and to the left, sadly, Miabelle had chosen today to wear a pair of black heels, now the shoes she had used to originally spice up her outfit, were becoming a nightmare, Miabelle cringed as she ran up the stairs, knowing that the heels were leaving one heck of a blister on the back of her heel.

Thankfully, Miabelle made it up the stairs without breaking her ankles, and when she got to the top, she dashed to the office. The lights were off and the room was silent, she thought a moment before deciding to open the door.


Miabelle nearly jumped out of her skin when the lights flicked on, everyone was there, a small banner hung from the ceiling, it read, WELCOME HOME in huge pink letters.

"Oh my days!", Miabelle gasped, "What is all this?"

Oxana hopped off the desk and wrapped her arms around Miabelle, "We wanted to surprise you with a tiny party, and considering how fast you figure things out, we knew we had to do something totally different".

"Yeah", Mingi added, "Plus you don't like to be the center of attention so we had to find a way to keep you from running away".

Miabelle looked at the counter, on it, were pale white cupcakes with a beautiful silky frosting, sprinkled with tiny candy pearls, "Cupcakes?! Awww this is so sweet!"

In the middle of all the joy, there was a knock on the door.

It was Mr. Kim.

"Oh hey, I was just looking for-"

"He said we could use the room until 8 am", Oxana said, her voice was higher and giddier than usual, "He should be back in a couple of minutes".

Mr. Kim looked at Oxana and laughed, "I was just looking for you, you said you would come to class early to look over the theatrics project", he put his hands on his hips, "Now hurry this up so you kids can get to class".

Hongjoong rose a brow, "You literally only graduated a couple years ago, we're not kids".

Oxana elbowed him in the rib, giving him a look then turning back to Mr. Kim, "We'll have it cleaned up, we promise!"

Mr. Kim thanked her then went on his way.

The moment he left, all eyes were on Oxana, whose cheeks were blushing with a warm pink, "What?", she asked.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, "I forbid you from seeing him".

"He's my teacher!"

"And you are whipped for him, and have been since middle school", Wooyoung grabbed her shoulders, "LET.IT.GO".


"Guys! just eat these cupcakes before we have to get to class!", Miabelle yelled, grabbing another cupcake and peeling the wrapper.

This school year was really going to be something else.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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