Chapter 2

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"Mama!", Oxana called, "I'm going to the mall!", she quickly put on her jacket and was about to run out the door until her mom stopped her.

"Oxana, did you finish all of your chores?", Her voice was sweet like honey, her features were similar to Oxana's but much sharper.

Oxana nodded, "Of course, my friends helped me-".

"Is your room clean?"

"Mama~ I cleaned everything else", She paused, "and I share a room with Nina and Krysta, I can never keep it clean".

Oxana's mom sighed, "Alright, fair enough. But make sure to be here before your father gets home, he will expect a family dinner as usual".

Oxana smiled happily, "Thank you", She kissed her cheek and ran out the door, meeting the others at the bottom of the staircase.

"I'm free!", Oxana laughed, "Thank you, everyone it really means the world to me, I hardly get to go anywhere".

Miabelle smiled, adjusting her soft pink beret which sat upon her curls, "We don't mind helping, even if we almost lost San and Hongjoong a few times".

Hongjoong shuddered, "I will never be the same".

San nodded in agreement, a traumatized look sitting on his face.

There was an awkward silence for quite sometime after that, no one had anything else to say, they were exhausted, Oxana honestly looked as if she fought off an entire pack of wolves, the others didn't look too different. Adola had been living with Oxana for a little over a year now, the two were quite close, so it really helped when Miabelle was busy with her own siblings.

"So are we going to the mall or what?", Wooyoung asked, one of his hands placed sassily on his left hip, "Oxana and I have been planning on getting new dance attire for over a year", He linked his arm with Oxana's, "Now let's go".

Miabelle looked up at Mingi with her amber eyes, "Might as well", she laughed, Mingi held out his arm for her to grab it, she let out a laugh and looped her arm with his, he had to bend down a little for Miabelle, it didn't matter how tall her platform shoes were, he was still an entire foot taller than her.

Adola rolled her eyes, bumping her hip into Yeosang's, she had been dating him for a few months now, and the two were really quite similar, they rarely ever touched each other and the two were sarcastic enough to make a grown man cry, which usually meant that they spent a lot of time in the principals office for their attitude problem, well that and Adola's constant habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, her mother was a personal trainer and a kickboxer, so Adola was strong and was known for never losing a fight.

Yeosang was different.

You see, Yeosang had always been the quiet and nerdy one, he studied hard in his classes and always got good grades, which also made him a perfect target for bullies, so one day Yeosang got tired of all the hazing and came back to school the next year with an entirely different persona, he was sarcastic and quick witted, although he would never lay a finger on them, his words were enough to make even the meanest bully regret his life decisions.

As the group made their way to the mall, Miabelle scurried close to Oxana, trying not to roll her ankle in her mountain high platforms, Oxana was still taller than Miabelle, standing at 171 cm tall, well she had been tall and a lot of guys made a rude comments about it, but because Oxana was Oxana and didn't care what the human population thought of her, she stood up straight, almost reaching Wooyoung's height, chin up and a smile across her face.

"So, where are we going first?", Miabelle asked, fishing a credit card out of her purse.

Oxana made a face, "Mia, you are not buying me anything-".

"This is not up for discussion, why can't I do what makes me happy?"

Oxana rolled her eyes, and turned to Mingi, "Please tell her to put her card back".

Mingi dramatically gasped, "Me? tell Belle what to do?", He laughed, "Puh-lease, I choose life 100% just let her buy you something".

"But Miabelle~", Oxana whined, "What about our trip to Paris this summer? Don't we need to save up for that?", Oxana shook Wooyoung's arm for his agreeance, but he looked at her from above his glasses, letting her know that he was not about to get involved in this argument.

"Unless this is about me, I'm not getting involved"

Oxana slugged Wooyoung on the shoulder, "Your supposed to help me with these things".

Wooyoung eyed Oxana, glaring at her, "Your so mean to me~", he rubbed his shoulder with a pouty face then smiled, "But I still love you~".

Oxana made a disgusted face, trying to weasel her way out of Wooyoung's hug, "anyone got a spatula?".

Oxana and Wooyoung had been in ballet with each other for as long as anyone could remember, Wooyoung was typically Oxana's dance partner when it came to that sort of thing, but lately San had been trying to pick up ballet because he wanted to stop feeling excluded from Wooyoung and Oxana's activities, and to everyone's surprise, he picked it up really fast.

Once they got to the mall, Hongjoong made everyone go in groups so they wouldn't get lost, which also meant that those who didn't show up in the designated meetup place where going to receive an earful.

"Wooyoung, Oxana, and San", Hongjoong said, pointing at a map on the wall, "You will hit the dance shop and that one sweater place Oxana likes so much-".

"The sweaters are soft and warm!", Oxana interjected.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes, "They are tacky and quite frankly, the ugliest things I have ever seen", He turned back to the map, "Mingi and Miabelle, you will meet them at the sweater store", He sighed, "thank god I was born with some fashion sense, otherwise you would all be hopeless".

Miabelle looked Hongjoong up and down, her hands on her hips, "says the guy who think overalls are a fashion statement".

Hongjoong gasped, "They are a fashion and they make a statement!".

"That your, what? a farmer?"

"Well excuse me, not everyone wants to dress like they just walked off the set of pride and prejudice!"

"You dress like a minion and not in a good way".

The others stood in silence as the two argued, it wasn't the first time that they got into an argument about fashion. Mingi stood in his black trench coat, rocking back and forth on the heels of his boots, this argument had gotten so old for him and everyone else, he considered just leaving the two there to argument while the rest shopped, but he also knew that the action could result in one of Hongjoong's rants, he really didn't want to hear that again.

Somehow, in all the chaos, Wooyoung, Oxana, and San managed to run off, making their way to the dance shop before it closed, which also meant that Oxana could get away without Miabelle buying her anything.

Jongho, Yeosang, and Adola headed off towards the other end of the door, where all the food courts were placed, and Seonghwa and Yunho followed slowly behind, hitting the game store on the way there, it wasn't school clothes but hey, the two still got away without Hongjoong noticing.

"Belle~", Mingi cooed, "My beautiful~".

Miabelle turned her head, "One second-".

Mingi grabbed her wrist, "Nope, let's go", He pulled her away from Hongjoong, her tiny body flailing as she tried to get away, this was payback for her making him help with the kids.

"You know, your very cute when your angry", Mingi giggled.

Miabelle rolled her eyes.

Mingi always talked so sweet to her, giving her little compliments and buying her gifts, but they were just friends, and although everyone else could see it, Mingi had absolutely no idea that Miabelle liked him the way she did, she had liked him since they were kids, but yet again, Mingi was clueless.

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