Chapter 2

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There's a pounding in Louis' head like the beating of a jungle drum, constant and echoing, reverberating between his temples as though the sound is trying to find a way out of his skull. He feels weighed down and weightless at the same time; bones made of lead, ears buzzing, stomach rolling like he's at sea, the waves lifting and dropping him... Waves, water, river, drowning...

He gasps for breath as the memories rush to the forefront of his mind, blurred images painted behind his eyelids. His arms fling out at his sides, hands grappling to find purchase as the fear overtakes him. But he's met not with his watery coffin. Instead, his fingers grip soft material. He forces his eyes open, squinting in the low light as his surroundings come into soft focus.

Above him, a wood panelled ceiling appears, licked in golden firelight. He turns his head to find the source of the light, his senses returning slowly as if needing to trigger one another; feeling the heat once he sees the flames, hearing the crackle of the fire once the warmth touches his skin.

He's inside a cabin he thinks, brain still slow on the uptake, and he can hear the storm raging away outside. There's a stone fireplace set into a wall of rounded logs, curtained windows to either side, a slab of polished ringed wood for a coffee table beside him, an armchair with a crocheted throw draped over the back. He cranes his neck to see more but is met with increased thumping in his head and protests from his back and chest. Fuck. Everything hurts.

A wave of nausea hits him, dizzying in its intensity. Using all the energy he can muster he rolls onto his side, finding a yellow plastic bucket on the floor beside the couch he now registers he's laying on. His stomach clenches and he tastes bile, activating his saliva glands. He heaves into the bucket, straining, groaning, sucking in air between spasms until he's spent, empty, and falls onto his back once again.

He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and blinks the tears from his eyes, musing that at least that little episode has awoken him fully. He pushes himself into a half-seated position, swinging his legs out from under the blanket laid over him and sitting up properly.

Louis scrubs his hands through his hair and down his face, then looking around to try and work out where the hell he is. The cabin isn't big, not by any means, but it's homely and warm, and it dawns on him that he's likely not alone. Someone has to have brought him here.

There's a scent in the air, woody and earthy from his environs with the dampness of the storm seeping in, but there's something else too, something fragrant and heavy, almost sweet like vanilla or cinnamon.

Panic settles quickly and he twists around to his left to see if he can find the occupant, or perhaps occupants, god, he has no idea where he is or who he's even with. The sound of footsteps to his right startle him and he grabs the blanket, pulling it up to his chest defensively which he now realises is bare and, even more terrifying, he's naked except for his pink satin and lace panties. Oh fuck .

He should run, he should get out of here, but there's no way his body would cooperate with such a request.

Resigned to his fate, he turns back to his right and shrieks. A tall, broad man approaches, shoulders hunched and a wary expression on his face. He's an alpha, Louis can easily tell, his strong, earthy scent potent enough to already be making its way up Louis' nostrils.

His fear triples in an instant.

Alone, practically naked, in some cabin with an alpha who could do anything to him, may have already done things to him. He's clearly undressed him and Louis feels his stomach lurch again. What has he seen? What has he touched?

"P-please. Don't hurt me," Louis croaks out, voice rough and raspy, timidity clear in his tone as he curls in on himself protectively.

"M'not gonna hurt you. Don't be scared," the alpha says, voice deep and rumbling as he holds up one hand in a placating gesture, the other showing him the glass of water he's holding.

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