Chapter 4

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Louis drifts into consciousness, that delicious place between sleep and awake where everything and anything is possible. Even from behind his closed eyelids he can sense a sunny day, the orange colouration bright and warm through the windows. He blinks his eyes open at the sound of Harry's voice permeating his cozy bubble and is met with sunshine flooding the small cabin for the first time since he arrived.

He tips his head back to find Harry sitting at the desk talking to Niall on the radio. "So a couple more days then?" Harry asks, glancing over as Louis sits up and giving him a smile.

"Yeah, mate," Niall says, his voice tinny over the radio. "The storms finished, but I reckon we've got two more days before we can get to you. There's a helluva lot of rainwater that's making its way down from the mountains and it's gotta subside before the Ploughs Creek slipway will be passable again. You're sounding good though, Harry. Seems like having Louis there is a positive thing for you. Maybe you should consider-"

"He's just woken up actually," Harry interrupts. "Did you want to speak to him?"

"Shit, sorry. Uhm yeah. Put him on."

Harry stands, motioning for Louis to come over. He's still groggy and wipes the sleep from his eyes as he gets up and pads across the room, taking the mic and pressing the button on the side to talk.

"Hi, Niall. How are you?" Louis asks as he sits down, Harry backing away and starting to sort out Louis' bedding.

"Good thanks. Glad the storm has finally stopped. How are you feeling, Louis?"

"Yeah, not too bad. Slept like a log. What time is it?"

"Just gone ten. We've got a bright sunny day too, so you should get out and enjoy it. May as well make good use of your time in our wonderful forest."

"I will. Thanks."

"Alright. Well. Probably only two more days and we'll have you out of there and back home. Your friend Liam has already been on the phone this morning. He's gonna come and pick you up from the rangers station in town once I collect you in one of our overland vehicles that can handle the terrain."

"Oh, yeah? That's uhm... that's great. Thank you."

"Any messages you want me to pass on?"

Louis thinks for a beat, and there's plenty he wants to tell Liam about his experience, about Harry in particular, but there's really nothing that can be conveyed through Niall, and certainly not with Harry listening in. "Nah, I'm all good for now."

"Alrighty. Well, I'd best be off. Talk to you both tomorrow," Niall says and the radio falls silent.

"So, did you want to?" Harry asks and Louis turns, confused by his question. "Go outside, I mean. It's a lovely day. I can show you my workshop and garden and you can meet the animals."

"Oh, yeah. That would be lovely. But I don't really- I don't have any suitable clothes or shoes. I didn't exactly dress for the wilderness."

"No, those silk and lace panties were definitely not wilderness appropriate," Harry muses with a joking lilt in his voice and then freezes, half-folded blanket held out in front of him.

Louis gapes at him, a red-hot blush beating a path to his cheeks. "I'm-"

Harry turns to him, face stricken with horror and regret. "Oh my god . I'm so sorry, Louis. That was completely out of line. Please- please forgive me," he says as he strides over to Louis and drops to his knees at Louis' feet.

Louis watches as Harry's expression morphs into something pained, eyes pleading, like he wants time to rewind, to take back what he's said and rewrite the last twenty seconds.

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