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Twelve months later...

Louis grips onto Harry's shoulders, fingers digging into the meaty flesh as Harry fucks into him, long and deep and perfect. Louis will never tire of the feeling of Harry consuming him like this, taking and giving in equal measure to bring them both to the edge of the abyss, before tumbling down together in sheer, unbridled bliss.

Harry leans down from where he's hovering above Louis, their open mouths breathing hot air into each other's lungs. "Love you so much, baby," Harry pants out as he thrusts in, slamming into Louis' prostate and ripping a guttural moan from Louis' chest.

Louis arches up, the tip of his cock rubbing against Harry's stomach and giving him that extra spark of pleasure as he hurtles towards the brink of his orgasm; chasing it, desperate to reach his peak, but never wanting it to be over at the same time.

Harry shoves in harder and harder, pushing Louis up the bed and Louis slaps his hands on the headboard to give himself more leverage. "Nrrgghh, Haz. Fuck me," Louis begs, elongating his neck, baring his neck and offering himself up for his alpha.

Harry licks a stripe up to his ear lobe, sucking a bruise into the sensitive skin behind his ear, Louis' insides tightening at the sensation as pleasure courses through his veins.

Louis wants more though, always more, never able to get enough of Harry. They could fuck every minute of every day and it still wouldn't quell the desire that's permantly thrumming under his skin; always aching for this glorious specimen of a man.

Harry hikes Louis' legs up, resting his ankles on top of his shoulders as he pushes in again and again, grabbing hold of Louis' cock and stroking it in time with his thrusts.

"Fuck, feels so good," Harry groans, eyes fixed on Louis', boring into his soul, the depth of the green shining in the early morning light and matching his beloved forest.

"More, alpha. Want more," Louis whines, breaths punched out of him with the increasing force of Harry's movements, knowing that Harry will give him what he needs.

"Anything for you, baby. Anything," Harry says, reaching underneath to press his thumb to Louis' hole alongside his cock, stretching Louis impossibly wider and readying him for his knot.

"Oh fuck, fuckfuckfuck," Louis chants, chin pointed at the ceiling as he feels the familiar pull in his gut building with every second. His orgasm slams into him for the third time this morning, taking him by surprise as he spills over Harry's hand and onto his stomach.

"That's it. So beautiful for me. My perfect omega," Harry praises and eases off for a brief moment, allowing Louis to catch his breath, but still grinding relentlessly into his prostate.

Louis' omega is never sated for long, not until it gets what it really wants, rapidly pushing Louis back to the edge once again while it awaits its alpha's knot.

Harry's getting close, Louis can sense it, the potency of his scent increasing to the point that it's cloying in the air around them, mixing with Louis' own scent and the richness of his slick until every breath is laced with the heaviness of their shared passion.

"Harry," Louis rasps out, his voice ruined from his constant whines and whimpers. He brings one hand down from the headboard, cradling Harry cheek in his palm, thumb caressing his bottom lip.

Harry gazes at him with a hunger so primal, so utterly heart stopping that Louis knows it's time. Harry pulls out, flipping Louis over onto his front and shoving back in without pause. He lifts Louis up by his hips and onto his hands and knees, the tendrils of Louis' fringe not stuck to his sweaty forehead falling in front of his eyes.

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