24. Hot chocolate in the park

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A week of snow had passed and it had finally settled enough we could leave the tower. Peter had spent all week with nat and I while the avengers where out of town. They are supposed to be back this evening which is when Peter is going home.

School had been cancelled up until after the new year so it was now officially the Christmas holidays. I still needed to go out and buy Christmas presents.

"(Y/n)?" Peter calls from the hallway. I had been laying in my bed all day. I didn't want Peter to go, I loved having him around. "Here you are" he walks into my room and sits on the end of my bed.

"Hi" I say stroking max who was asleep in my bed.

"Are you okay?" He asks moving to lay down next to me.


"No your not" He sees right through me. "What's wrong?" I turn around to face him.

"I don't want you to leave" I avoid looking in his eyes because I fear if I do I will cry. I just feel so emotional today.

He wraps his arms around me and I lay my head on his chest. "I can try sneak you into my suitcase and bring you home with me but I didn't bring a suitcase" he says and I laugh.

"I can lend you my suitcase" I joke and he laughs.

"Mr stark won't like it if I take you with me"

"He doesn't have to know" I smile.

We lay in the bed for a while just laughing and talking and cuddling.

"Want to go on a walk?" I ask.

"Sure" he smiles and gets out of my bed.

Peter goes back into his room to put his coat and shoes on. I grab my coat and boots and head out into the hallway. I put max in his harness and attach his leash so he's ready to walk.

"Hi" he runs up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist while kissing my cheek.

"Hey" I kiss his lips quickly. "You ready to go?"


"Let me just write Nat a note telling her where we've gone" I pass Max's leash over to Peter while I go to the note board and write a message to Nat. "Now I'm ready to go" I smile and grab his hand as we walk out the door and down the snowy road.

"It's icy out here" peter says gripping my hand a bit tighter I'm guessing to help him stay up right and not slip.

"Don't fall over this time" I'm reminded of the time peter and I went ice skating when we went on the date and he was awful at ice skating and fell over many times, but I loved every second of it and I could tell he did as well even though he spent most of it falling on his bum.

"Got grips on my shoes so I should be good" he says right before he almost slips.

"You where saying" he sticks his tongue out at me.

"So where do you want to go on a walk to?" He asks as we walk out of the gates.

"We could go Central Park again"

"Okay" he smiles and gently rubs a finger over my hand as we make our way down the streets.

We walked around Central Park for almost an hour before deciding to stop at a cafe and getting a drink.

There where tables outside so we sat outside under the shelter with max. A woman came out and took our order. We both got a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallow and she soon returned with them.

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