54. Im in the netherlands?

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"Hi" I wake up to a man with an orange hat and jersey.

"Where am I?" I wake up looking around to notice I'm sat in between men in orange football jersey.

"Malispol holding facility" the man next to him says.

Where's that? I think to myself.

"They said they found you unconscious at the train yard, very dangerous" he has an accent.

"We gave you a shirt because you seem a bit cold" a guy on my other side with a funky hat says.

"Oh thanks" I say awkwardly sat between them. "You guys are nice" I give them a smile. "You speak really good English"

"Welcome to the Netherlands" they all say.

"I'm in the Netherlands right now?"

"Yep" they all nod.

I jump of off the bench and go over to the bars looking for a guard. I need to get out of here. I need to find my girlfriend.


"The guard is on a break" the cheery man said. "Talking to his wife"

"Yeah she's pregnant" the bald man said.

"Oh yah?" The other one said smiling.

I break the lock and open the gate and walk down the corridor and notice a guard wearing my mask while on call.

I get out of the building pretty easily and nobody questioned me, despite my appearance.

I slide the shirt over my head and find a man who is stood by a stall. My entire body ached like crazy and I had a limp as I walked straight into animal crap.

"Excuse me sir, can I borrow your phone?" I ask him and he passes me his phone. Well that was easy. Everyone here is so nice.

I try calling (y/n) but it goes straight to her voicemail. God I hope she's alright.

The next person I try ringing is happy and he picks up.

"Hey hey uh I messed up I need a ride" I tell happy and he asks where I am. I haven't actually got a clue where I am but it's somewhere in the Netherlands.

"Excuse me, where am I?" I ask the man who's phone I borrowed.

He says something I'm not even gonna attempt to pronounce.

"Could you?" I pass him the phone and he says if into the phone.

"On my way" happy says and hangs up, I pass the phone back to the kind gentleman who leant it to me.

"Thank you" I tell him and walk over to where happy told me he'd pick me up from.

It was a large field filled with tulips of bright colours.

Happy lands in his space ship looking thing and walks out.

"Peter are you okay, your gonna have to tell me what's going on" happy says.

"Stop!" I shout grabbing onto my leg as I walk. "Tell me something only you would know" he stares at me confused but I can't be sure it's him because it could be mysterio.

"Only something I would know, do you remember when we where in Germany and you rented movies but they didn't list the name but I could tell buy the price they where adult movies"

"Yeah it's you" I say and feel my cheeks heat up.

I limp over to him and wrap my arms around him. I just really need a hug. "I'm so glad to see you"

"Peter your gonna have to tell me what's going on" happy says as he helps me onto the plane.

I sit down on the chair as he sorts out my cut on my back. It really hurt, normally my spider man powers makes stuff like this hurt less, but what mainly hurts is the fact I disappointed (y/n), and now I have no idea where she is.

I just really wanted to see her face and make sure she's okay.

I explain to happy what happened with mysterio and the glasses.

"So what happened with (y/n)?" Happy asks and I look down at the floor.

"We got into an argument" I just can't get the look on her face out of my head.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Happy offers.

"No" I shake my head and let a tear roll from my eye.

"I'm here if you wanna talk about it" he says and I just wrap my arms around him and cry into his chest as he awkwardly hugs back.

"I can't lose her, she's the most important thing to me and now I have no idea where she is and she probably never wants to speak to me again or see me again" i Cry and notice happys shirt is wet. "Sorry" I apologise.

"It's your first real relationship, it's going to have complications and not to mention you both have complicated lives" happy says.

"I want it to be my first last relationship"

"Your to young for marriage kid" happy pats my head and I let out a chuckle. "Now what's the plan because we've been hovering over a tulip field for last half hour"

"Oh right yeah, I need a suit" I say and happy points a button at what I thought was just a walk but it opens up to reveal a lab.

"You sort the suit I sort the tunes" happy says as back in black begins to play and we take off for London.

"Okay bring up everything you have on Spider-Man" I say to the robot and all of my suits I've ever had made appear on a screen.

"We are near London" happy says and I nod, my suit was finally finished.

"If I don't make it back, give this to (y/n)" I pass him the bag I had been carrying around, I bought it when we where in Venice.

"You will give it to her yourself" happy says.

I climb out onto the side of the plane and let the wind take me off.

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