66. Bad feeling about her

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(Y/n) POV

"It's our last first day of high school" Peter smiles over to me while buttoning his shirt up. Summer had gone by way to fast, I spent the last week with Peter and May since my dad was still at his house.

"Breakfast is ready!" May shouts from the kitchen.

We had both woken up early, well peter had woken me up at 6am when he got back from his Spider-Man duties and we had time to shower together before going.

I got dressed into my jeans and a light purple crop top, I had my grey jacket on, it was still warm outside since it was nearing the end of summer and autumn was on the way, but I liked having a jacket with me.

"Good morning" she smiles as as we make our way into the kitchen and sit at the table. She had made us pancakes and they smelt amazing.

May left us to eat out breakfast while she went and got dressed.

We had about 20 minutes before we needed to leave so Peter and I sat talking, he told me what he got up to on his spider man duty and how he helped a cat from a tree and then caught some dude trying to steal a car so he webbed him up outside the police station.

" bye May!" Peter shouted as we grabbed our bags and made our way out of the apartment but she ran up to us before we could close the door and pulled us both into a hug and kissed the tops of our heads.

"Have a good day, try not get into any trouble and I will see you later" she says and we close the door and get in the elevator.

"You have the best aunt" I tell him.

"I do don't I" he smiles.

We get in the car and it was boiling so Peter turned the air conditioning on.

The drive to school wasn't long but yeh traffic made it longer.

He parked the car in the back car park of school meant for the students and we jumped out and head into the school.

Ned and betty where stood by the door talking about something before talking turns into making out.

"Should we say hi?" I ask Peter unsure what to do while we walk up the stairs.

"Just keep walking" he takes my hand and leads us through the doors and down the corridor.

We head to our normal form class where mr Harrington was sat at his desk.

"Good morning" he greets us as we walk in, we where the first one here. "Did you have a good summer?" He asks as we take a seat at our usual table where Ned and Mj sit with us.

"Yeah it was good"

"Hopefully all refreshed for your last year" He says.

"There you guys are" Ned walks in followed by Mj.

"Hey" I say as mj sits down next to Ned.

"(Y/n)" mr Harrington says grabbing my attention. "We have a new student joining us and I was wondering if you could stay with them" he says and I nod.

"Yeah okay"

"Oh and here she is" he says as a dark tall girl walks through the door. She seemed familiar but I couldn't understand why. I'd never met her.

"Hi I'm Olivia" she introduces herself.

"Olivia this is (y/n)" mr Harrington says and I get up and walk over to her.

"Hi" I smile.

"(Y/n) will be showing you around" mr Harrington says and I take Olivia and she sits down next to me. The tables fitted 6 so we had room.

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