83. End of the summer

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"Good morning" I say as mj appeared from there bedroom.

"Morning" she says sitting down at the counter.

"Did you sleep alright"

"Amazingly, that bed is so comfy"

"Your the first people to sleep on it and in that room"

"Oh wow"

"Morgan has her room upstairs for when she stays I'm pretty sure she is just slowly moving all her stuff in here" I smile.

"I haven't seen Morgan in ages" Mj said.

"She'll probably be knocking on the door any minute for breakfast, she likes to bike over here from our dads house"

Just as I said that a knock at the door came and I went and opened it to see Morgan stood smiling with a bag of stuff.

"Hello I have come to join the sleepover" she said with the biggest smile.

"Hey Morgan, have you had breakfast?" I ask.

"No I was hoping you had pancakes"

"I can make some, mj you want pancakes?"

"Yes please" she said politely.

"Morgan do you remember how to make pancakes?" I ask her since we had been doing a lot of baking together and pancakes where one of the things we liked to make.

"Yes" she's already in the cupboard grabbing everything out.

"Morgan you make the mixture just as I taught you and then I will go take Peter his cup of tea up" I tell her and she nods before mixing everything. I look over at mj and mouth to her telling her to watch Morgan.

"Peter" I open our bedroom door to find him laying in our very messy bed, he was fast asleep. I put his cup of tea on the side and sit down next to him stroking his soft hair which eventually woke him up.

"Hello darling, have you been up for long?"

"About an hour, Morgan's making pancakes with me if you wanna come down for some and I bought your tea up"

"Oo thank you" he somehow drank the entire cup in less than a minute.

"Put your clothes on Parker and then come get breakfast" I tell him.

"Okay" he said and got up out of bed and walked over to grab his t-shirt and some shorts.

I quickly head down the stairs to find mj and Morgan mixing the batter while mj pour the mixture into a frying pan.

"Smells amazing" I say as I come back into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna be a chef" Morgan smiled proudly.

"Good morning" Peter said coming down the stairs with his messy bed hair which was just adorable.

"Peter!" Morgan runs over to him and jumps up into his arms.

"Hey little missy"

"(Y/n) wants to marry you" she whispered not so quietly.

"Does she now" he looked up at me with a smirk on his face and I about chocked on my drink.

"Yep so you should get married so I can go to a wedding and wear a dress and eat cake"

"Morgan you wanna know a secret?" Peter said and Morgan smiled.

"Yes tell me"

"I wanna marry her to" he said quietly but loudly enough so both me and mj heard.

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