Chapter 3 - The Warmness

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I felt my face is burning. I rubbed my skin trying to get over the sensation. What is this? I hardly pulled myself up in sitting position. Suddenly my eyes opened and I looked around. The familiar blue walls greeted my and my alarm started to ring. Was that a dream? I remembered clubbing then taking the dare and running into an immortal? But if that was dream, then how come it felt so real and I don't remember coming back in my room.

I rubbed my head. Let it be. Whatever it is, I will think about it later. I get up from bed then walked inside the bathroom. Standing infront of the mirror I pulled up my hair in bun but then the next thing almost made me scream. I covered my mouth with my palm as I stared in the mirror with wide eyes.

There's a red teeth marks on my neck. And then the realisation hit me hard. It was not a dream but reality. I really do met the immortal yesterday and he bite me. But after that I don't know anything and found myself next morning in my room?

What's happening to me? Who was he? He said he is immortal but what kind of immortal is he? I couldn't find any answers about this questions. I need to hide the marks with make up now. I really can't go out like this.

After that I got ready and left the mansion early. Ariya and her friends must be thinking I am dead by now and will be too happy today. And just as I expected, as soon as I entered the cafeteria I saw her and her group sitting in there usual place.

"What do you think about Nandini?"

"How will we know? Doesn't she entered the Ellen Mansion last night. I don't think she could survive that hunted house"

"What a pity!" One of them made sad face "though she is not warm to us but it's also not good to punish her like that. I mean afterall she is a human too. And what if Karma punish us for wrong doing her?"

Ariya laughed "you worry too much" she flipped her hair "there is no karma at all. Besides going in there was not something we forced her in reality. She refused to act the dare then as a rule she really had to take the responsibility"

"Ariya is right, after all it was just a simple task of dancing. What harm it was going to do her?"

"Since it is like that. Do you think she will be alive at this time?"

"Who knows? No one ever entered in there so how will we can know about it?" Ariya seemed annoyed.

"But if she is still alive, we can at least help her"

"Forget it, I am not going there. Everybody knows that place is hunted and you want to go and die in there? Are you mad?"  Ariya scolded.

"Oh that was not what you are saying yesterday sister" I interrupted them.

All of them turned to face me with shock and horror filed expression.

"I hope you guys had a good night yesterday that all of you gather to gossip about me" I smiled.

"" Ariya pointed at me as she was still in shock.

"Yes, it is me? You got any problems?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Nandini are you real? I mean you are not dead?" One of them asked.

I smirked "you wished me to die in there?" I tilted my head with a mocking smile "but too bad. Am not I here talking to you? What a pity! You guys missed the chance to see how the interior design of that mansion. What a exquisite place that is!" I exclaimed before turning around and leaving them there with mouth wide opened.

Once I am out my smile faded. I sighed in my heart. Only I know how I survived last night. And they wanted me to die in there alone then put a sad face showing how sorry they are for me. Such a disgusting faced peoples. How come god managed to make them?

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