The heart

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No ones pov:

"It's to late...I've failed.." Adora said with tears in her eyes

"No! No!" Catra said while she was still trying to get a hold of Adoras hand "dont u get it! I love u! I always please just this once..stay" Catra said "please.."

But sadly that wasn't enough..Adora was getting further and further away from catra and soon enough catra couldn't see adora at all..

~back at the heart~

"Adora?" Catra said while shaking adora trying to get her to wake up "come on! Wake up"

Catra checked Adoras pulse...nothing.. there was no pulse catra looked at the heart on Adoras chest and she realized it had stopped moving

"! No please wake up adora..I can't do this without u please wake up!"

Catra kept trying to wake adora but it never worked..

(Time skip)

Catra walked outside the heart and saw that etheria was ruined..

"CATRA! Where's adora?" Glimmer asked as her and bow ran over to her

"S-she's-shes...gone....she's gone" Catra said while crying

"No..she-she's can't be gone we- we need her!" Bow said

"AT LAST! THERE WILL HE PEACE" prime yelled from the top of the mountain then the green flame started to grow bigger

(Shut ur ass up prime they were having a moment GOSH-)

"How are we supposed to stop that!" Glimmer said while looking up at prime

"We can''s over" Catra said

Catra quickly sat up in her bed she was breathing heavy and she had tears running down her face

"Catra? Catra what's wrong?" Adora asked while slowly sitting up


"Are u ok? What's wrong?" Adora asked but catra didn't answer she just hugged her "u wanna talk about it?" Adora asked while rubbing her back

"No" Catra said in a soft voice

"That's ok..we can just cuddle" Adora said then she kissed Catras head "I love you" she whispered

"Love u to"

I'm physically INCAPABLE of writing a sad catradora story

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