Ill be back

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*btw this is a human au there's no magic or anything*

No ones pov:

"No adora please u can't go!" Catra begged

"I have to" Adora said in a sad voice

Adora was in the army and she had gotten drafted for war

"Why! Why-why can't someone else do it?!"

"Nobody else will" Adora said then she cupped catra face with her hands and put catras forehead onto hers
(We love the forehead thing SM)

"I'll be back catra...I promise"

"But-but what if u don't come back..and-and what about Finn!" Catra said with tears rolling down her face "and-and wh-who knows how long you'll be gone"

"I dunno but I do know that I will be back..for both of u" Adora said then she kissed catra

"But I have to go now" Adora said after they pulled away

"Just-just done die"

"That's the plan" Adora said with a small smile on her face "bye baby"

"Bye" Catra said then adora walked out of the door and catra fell to her knees and started crying again

*4 years later*

"Mama mama!" Finn said

"What's up kid"

"Where's mommy?" Finn asked

"She's still out somewhere"

"Well when is she coming back?"

"I-..I don't know"

"Well I hope she comes back soon! She promised me we would make a cake!" Finn said with a huge smile on there face then catra heard a knock on the door

"Ooo oo can I answer?"

"Finn ur 5 u can't answer the door yet but u can come with me while I answer it" catra said as she took Finn's hand and walked towards the door and when she got there she unlocked it and opened it

"Hey catra! Hi Finn" Glimmer said

"Hey sparkles"

"Auntie glimmer! Uncle bow!" Finn said then they jumped into glimmers arms

"Hey Finn"

"I'm hated by children..." bow said

"Oh don't worry uncle bow I love u to!"


"Come inside guys" Catra said then glimmer and bow walked inside and catra went into the kitchen

"Hey catra..we have a surprise" bow said as glimmer out Finn down and Finn walked over to the couch

"What is it?" Catra asked Then she turned around to face glimmer and bow again

"Go upstairs then you'll find out" glimmer said while smirking

"Ooo I love surprises!" Finn said then they ran upstairs then they screamed

"What the hell is up there a bear?" Catra asked then she ran upstairs "Finn what's wron-" Catra said but she cut herself off when she saw what- or should I say who was in the room with Finn

Catra gasped and quickly covered her mouth as tears started to form in her eyes

"I told u I'd be back" Adora said catra tried to say something but she couldn't then
(The woman was to stunned to speak)

Catra fell to her knees and started crying and adora walked over to her and hugged her

"I-I-I thought u-u were-"

"I know baby..but I'm ok" Adora said

"YAY! Now we can make out cake!!" Finn said and catra laughed

"Yes Finn ..we're gonna make a cake

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