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Valencia Morales

"Hello?...Sofia?"I said answering my phone.

"Boss, is the job finished?" On the other line was Sofia, my assistant but also my soul sister, asking me the same question in a worried tone after every job I have ever done.

"Have I ever left a job unfinished hermana?" I said after lightly chuckling. "You are offending me." A small grin formed on my lips.

"Idiot, you know I will always worry!" That's where I couldn't hold my laughter anymore and burst out of laughter.

Sofia has been my best friend since I was 21. I first met her on my birthday while I was at a club drinking for the first time legally alone. She apparently felt bad when she saw me drinking alone and she had a 'vibe' I was a good person and came over to talk to me like the social butterfly she is. If I had been sober I wouldn't have even glanced in her direction and I would have threatened her. However, being five shots in already I said why the hell not. Turned out we had a lot of things in common and we clicked weirdly. After that, we met at the same spot, the same time, and every Sunday for a month straight. Until eventually we exchanged numbers and after that it's history.

The thing I love most about her is her loyalty and the fact that she isn't scared to call my ass out whenever I'm wrong. She also hates getting emotional and talking about feelings *barf*. However, she still forces me to talk about them sometimes but thankfully not frequently.

"Is there a new job for me yet or do I have time to come back to the office first to do some things?" Truth's I haven't gotten time to work peacefully in my office in months since I've been needed more in outside jobs. In conclusion, I hope there isn't a job and that I'm needed in the office since I'm the boss. Additionally, I kind of wanna give Sofia some time off since she has been holding the fort down for me for so long. It isn't easy filling in the shoes of the boss of a huge multimillion company called "Moral Publishing Co.".

"Don't worry there's a job that you need to do but it's in New York and you have a week or so till then so you have some time to lock yourself in your office just like you like it."

After hearing that I felt a huge grin forming on my lips from the excitement. Call me boring but my office to me was something else.

"Well, those might as well be the best news I've heard in a few months..."

Finally, we exchanged our goodbyes and I was on my way to NY or more specifically the heart of my empire...

Axel Rivera

"Um... I have some bad news and some good news what do you want to hear first" said my second in command Matthias.

"Oh for fuck's sake just get on with it!" I answered in an annoyed tone. "You know better than to play with me like that " I warned him since he shouldn't even have to be given such a pointer after so many years being my second.

"Sure... Well first of all the shipments from this week went well and the Russians have finally come to their senses. However, the deal with  Theodor Wiking fell through..." the last part was said in a whispering tone but thanks to my still intact hearing abilities I heard him crystal clear.

When the information registered in my mind I was fuming. "What the fuck do you mean it fell through?! We have been working on that deal for months now! Did he suddenly get scared of the deep waters and want a way out?"

"Well in fact the complete opposite, he said he found someone who was willing to help him and in return asked for half of what we asked for..." he said carefully not to infuriate me any further.

"Who in their right mind offered to help him take out a whole clan with half the money we asked for? "  I was intrigued, to say the least.

The answer was short but still nonetheless infuriating "I.M." It was something I should've expected but didn't. Who else would've dared to cross ME, my mafia the bloody Crimsons? Someone who leads the organization who has fearlessly crossed us not once, not twice but trice: "Invisible Morales"  was the name. However, the fact that infuriates me the most was that I couldn't make them pay. I didn't know the name of their leader,  where their base was nor what the actual fucking role did they play in this dark world. They were truly invisible and liked playing in the shadows.

Unluckily for them, I was never one to back down on a good challenge and this was going to be no exception either. So...whoever you are Mr shadows I'm coming for you... and when I find you it isn't going to be pretty...

"Matthias, from this moment on I want you to get your ass on cracking and trying to find any information on I.M." Having said that he was on his way to start working on the new job that has been assigned to him.

"I'm  ready to make you regret ever messing with me motherfuckers."

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