In Smoke

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Later that day, Tarak is still leading me through the forest. He seems confident in his direction, glancing at the sun only occasionally. I trail behind him, taking the time to observe the scenery.

A comfortably awkward silence lapses between us. Usually, I talk and he stays silent. Today, however, I decide not to bother him. He seems worried for his sister.

Behind me comes a sudden cry. It is faint, and sounds like an animal. Tarak turns as I do.

"Kimiko, don't..." He starts, but I am already gone.

I run through the trees in the direction of the sound. It comes again, fainter than before, but I know that I am closer.

It is a wounded animal.

When I find it, it is partially covered in leaves. I gently move them to the side and observe the animal. A gasp escapes my mouth.

"A Fire-Fox?" Tarak asks from behind me. I kneel down and search the nearly-unconscious animal for wounds.

The Fire-Fox used to be the symbol of our nation. Its limited control over fire and its red fur were some of the main reasons for its appraisal as a national symbol.

However, when I was young, the Fire Lord decreed that Fire-Foxes were dangerous because of their power over fire. He decreed that they be hunted and killed.

"I thought they were extinct." Tarak continues.

I find multiple scars and scratches all over its body, but no open wounds.

"It's just exhausted." I say in relief. "I can easily nurse it back to health." I pull some of our rations out of my bag and slowly feed it.

"Oh no." Tarak says slowly. "You can't keep it."

"Why not?" I ask incredulously.

"We're already fugitives. That thing will draw way too much attention."

"I won't leave it." I state firmly, lifting it up so I can observe its stomach. "...her"

"This is too dangerous!"

"I think I'll call her Aisha." I remark off-handedly, ignoring Tarak's protests.

"Kimiko!" Tarak exclaims.

"What?" I ask innocently. "Something wrong?" I look him in the eyes. He drops my gaze, and his shoulders slump.

"No." He answers. "Come on, we better start moving again."

"Wait a minute!" I exclaim, struggling to shoulder my pack one-handed. With a sigh, Tarak comes over to help.

We start walking again, and I cradle Aisha in my arms. She snuggles closer to me and starts to fall asleep.

An old story comes back to me, along with a great deal of sadness and nostalgia. My mother once told me that Fire-Foxes are the closest living thing to the element of fire. It is their life source. With that in mind, I channel my chi towards my hands. Two small fires builds on my palms under Aisha. She makes a contented noise in her sleep. I smile.

--------------------/ /---------------------

That night, when we stop, Tarak goes in search of food while I build a fire and care for Aisha. She manages to surprise me when she climbs right into the fire and falls asleep again.

Tarak and I eat in silence. I wake Aisha for a moment only to coax her out of the fire to eat some food. Then she crawls back in. Tarak and I both soon fall asleep.

My nightmare comes again. This time, the people I try to save are my parents. The ensuing fire is caused by my rage.

I wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. The fire has died. Aisha looks up and seems to sense my distress. She walks over to me and lies down. I notice that her fur is already brightening.

In the morning, I pack up while Tarak gets his bearings on our location. I hoist my pack over one shoulder and pick up Aisha with the other arm. Tarak picks up his own bag and wordlessly starts walking.

This whole 'silent' thing is starting to get on my nerves. I know he is worried for his sister, though, so I give him a break.

"She'll be okay. I promise." I say when I catch up. He looks at me and says nothing.

Later that day, as we are about to stop for lunch, we hear screams. Tarak stiffens and Aisha climbs up to my shoulders.

I glance above the trees.

The sky is covered with smoke.

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