Will Reflect

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We get into town at sunset the next day. There are no soldiers in sight, even though there should be some posted in town. The people are continuing on with their normal lives.

The four of us blend in well, with Aisha hiding in my pack.

"Where are the soldiers?" Yakedo asks nervously.

Tarak scans the town quickly. "They're probably back at whatever the base is here. I'll bet the soldiers from the capital have gotten here already, and are briefing the town soldiers on the situation."

"We need to hurry, then." I say as Tanvi wanders over to a wooden board. "Tanvi?"

"Miko, it's you." She says, using my nickname. Her hand points to a wanted poster. I'm impressed at how well the artist captured my face.

"I'm flattered by the artist's abilities, but he could have done me the favor of failing." I mumble out loud, grabbing the paper and crumpling it.

"He missed the dimples." Tarak remarks absentmindedly.

My head turns toward him, in unison with Tanvi and Yakedo.

"What?" Tarak asks incredulously. "It's true."

"Anyway....I need a makeover." I change the subject. "Right now they are looking for a girl named Kimiko with short, dark hair."

"How much are you willing to change?" Yakedo asks, watching closely for my reaction. Another test.

"Exactly that. Name and hair. If we decide anything else needs changed, then I'll do that, too." I answer. Yakedo nods in approval.

"We can go find a salon while the guys try to find that family." Tanvi offers to me. I hesitate, wanting to run the recruitment. However, I know that my identity cannot endanger the mission, so I agree. Tarak hesitates as well, not wanting to leave me. I give him a stern look, and he gives in.

"Come on, Tanvi. Let's go." I say, grabbing her arm.

Finding a salon is more difficult than you think. It takes many inquiries to locals, and a great deal of wandering. Finally, Tanvi and I stumble across it. By this time, it is night. I knock hesitantly, then open the door slightly.

It is torn out of my hands and swings open suddenly. Two identical, eager faces greet me.

"Hello," They say at the same pitch and time. "Need a haircut?"

"Color, actually." I answer, trying to peer behind the boys.

"It's a bit late." The twin on the left says.

"You should come back tomorrow." Says the one on the right.

"BOYS!" A woman shouts from behind them. Both of her hands reach around to grab their ears. When they cry out in pain, she shoves them back into the building.

As her back is turned, I take a moment to examine her. She gives off a huge 'mom' aura. Something about her makes you want a hug. Her body is larger than most, especially around the hips. Over all, she seems like a teddy bear. A strict teddy bear.

"Now, what did you want, dears?" She asks, turning to us. Her eyes widen. "Get inside, Kimiko." She says hurriedly.

My eyes widen. How does she know my name? Did she see the poster? Is she going to turn me over?

"I knew your father, Shinu." She says, glancing over my shoulder worriedly. "Please, come in."

I understand suddenly. She must be a part of the family that the soldiers were sent for. With a reassuring glance at Tanvi, I enter the house.

"How did you know my father?" I ask when the door is closed.

"We were best friends growing up. That was back when my family lived in the capital." The woman answers. "I saw you once, eight years ago. You've grown into a fine young woman, but I was still able to recognize you in the drawing." She pauses, looking at me with sad eyes. "If they are after you, that can only mean that our beliefs have been discovered."

"Yes." I answer. Her face falls. "They killed my parents. Somehow, the soldiers have a list of names of those who believe that Ozai shouldn't be king. You're on there as well, I would assume."

"Then I need to leave. Take my family somewhere else." She says, looking around her house.

"You can come with us." I say, grabbing her hands. "We are traveling to save people from my parents' fate. After that, we plan to rebel publicly against Ozai."

Her eyes widen further. "That is very ambitious, young lady."

"I'm only asking you to come with us for a short time. We can help you get out of the city. After that, it is your choice on where to go." I offer.

"Very well." She says after a moment's hesitation. Then, she raises her voice. "BOYS!!!"

The twins run in instantly. "Yes, mother?"

She approaches them and points to each in turn.

"The one on the left is Haruki. On the right is Kazuki. They're fourteen years old." She introduces.

I step forward and examine the twins, looking for slight differences between the two. There. Kazuki has a freckle above his left eyebrow that Haruki doesn't. Haruki has a slightly wider nose.

"Try mixing up really quick." I request. They look confused before I turn around.

"Switch around enough times that she can't possibly know who is on the right or left anymore." Their mother clarifies.

I hear some shuffling from behind me as the boys move around. I turn back around to face them.

"You're in the same spots as before." I say. "Haruki is on the left. Kazuki is on the right."

The twins nod in unison, happy that I could tell them apart.

"Go pack your things, boys." Their mother commands. "Pack lightly." She adds as they run off. "My name is Atsuko." She says. "Are you going to stick with Kimiko?"

"No. I think I'll change it." I answer. "But I need time to decide."

"Fair enough." Atsuko remarks. "Now, you came here for a hair coloring?"


"Normally, I would recommend cutting your hair as well, but yours is already quite short. What color do you want?"

"Can you do red?" I ask, reaching into my bag.

"Of course." She says, moving towards a shelf. "What shade so you want?"

I pull Aisha out of my bag gently. She looks at me with wide eyes.

"Can you do this color?"

Atsuko turns and nearly drops all of her bottles of dye.

"How did you get a Fire-Fox?!?!" She asks.

"I found her." I answer.

"You are full of surprises." Atsuko says with a smile. "And yes, I can do that color."

--------------------/ /--------------------

An hour later, Atsuko has finished dying my hair. She gives me a mirror to look into.

My hair looks like fire. She added a slight variation in the color as it left my head.

"Kimiko, you're beautiful!" Tanvi exclaims.

I glance back at my reflection.

"Call me Khithea."

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