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After 2 months

JK pov

In these whole 2 months pd nim was soo protective about me
I still remember ,he use to message me everyday to ask about my health and how was my day,he used to come with me to hospital for my checkups
I had told him about my parents.
By reading his facial expression I could make out that he was a bit shocked

now he knew everything going in my life,which made me sometimes scared because I have always been a reserved person ,it was my first time talking about myself to someone
Even though it is difficult for me to be comfortable with a person whom I meet just 2-3days ago,but I found a certain connection between us
As I lost my parents at a very young age I never got a parental love that every normal
Family children gets,but talking to him made me happy which was new to me but.....
Somewhere in my heart I always thought that .......

I can trust him no matter what

Pd nim pov
In these 2 months their was a strong connection between me and jungkook
When he told me about his parents I was shocked that how can such a small boy go through this much in his life
I used to message him or sometimes call him to ask him about his day
He used to share everything with me,he was just like a son to me whom I wanted to love and protect at all cost.Though all the members were like sons to me but I found a strong connection with jungkook
It is funny that how can I be soo close to someone whom I meet for hardly 2months
But I guess sometimes it's just the hearts to connect

Now that, jungkook was fully prepared it was time to introduce him to the members
Honestly I was soo excited to see the reactions coming from the members when they meet jungkook. I hope they like this pure soul

I called namjoon to tell all the members that a new boy is joining them as a main vocalist,Sub dancer and sub rapper
And to come in my office so that I can introduce him.i don't know why but through his voice it felt like he was a bit taken back
I hope my biggest fear does not become true

Namjoon pov
When I recived a phone call by pd nim
He told me about a new member and his responsibilities in the group.honestly speaking i was bit taken back as all 6 of us were happy on our own and now a new member
Does pd nim think that we all are not enough that he is soo excited to add a new member with most of the responsibilities
When I told the matter to rest of the members all of their happy faces got dropped and turned into angry or sad faces
"But...but... but why a new member?"jhope said with a sad face
"I am not at all happy with this"Suga hyung said making a disguised face
"I am not happy at all with this"jimin said
"Who the hell is this brat"jin hyung said

"I know why you all are angry but trust me I am also not happy with this decision but now we have to go to office....let's try talking to pd nim"

We all left the droom and got in the car the tension was at the peak all were soo angry that none of them tryed to talk

With that we all arrived at the office
When I ringed the bell pd nim came out with a happy and joyful face
'who is this brat.....who is making pd nim soo happy' I thought with that we enetred the office and seated ourselves

"Pd ni-"I wanted to talk to him regarding the cancellation of the new member but he cutted me in between
"I'll just introduce him to you all.....just give me a min"
With that he left
I was soo confused and the members soo angry

After 5 min he entered with a boy hidding behind his back
"Ok boys soo the reason I called you all is that their is a new member joining you jungkook"pd nim said
"How can we see him if he keeps hiding behind your back"taehyung said in an annoyed voice

"Actually he is a bit shy as he is just 14 years old......... jungkook please come in front all are waiting"
I was shocked that he is just 14,I was busy in my thoughts
When I saw a small boy with big doe eyed coming in front with his head constantly looking up and down
I can see that all the members didn't show any expression rather than a pissed of face

"Okay soo he will be joining from today as a lead vocalist,sub rapper and dancer.......say something about you jungkook"pd nim said

"H-hello m-my n-name is jungkook and I am 1-14 yea-rs old pl-lease take care of me"the Little boy said

"Pd nim please take this shit out of here...we don't want him"taehyung said bluntly
"True...we don't want him,we are happy in ourselves"jimin said and the rest of us nodded including me
I could see that the boy was trying hard to hold his tears

"I don't want to hear any nonsense from you all he is joining and that's my final decision
He is the best I could ask for"pd nim said in a harsh tone making shivers in all of us

"Jungkook you are joining them from today and if you face any difficulty or recive any kind of HARSH BEHAVIOUR please tell me"he said while stairing us
and left

"Just shut the crap up"yoongi hyung said
"I hate you"taehyung said and all 5 left making a pissed up face leaving me and jungkook alone

"Hey kid..... I am namjoon the leader of the group"I said
"Hello"he said with kind of a scared voice
"I know it must be hard but please cancel the contract....we all are happy in ourselves please don't force us to be rude to you"I said with atmost sincerity in my voice

"B-but I can't"he said while looking down
That it warned him but he is not ready to accept it then what soo ever happens in future he is responsible for it
"Okay then I gave you a warning but you.......come in the car or otherwise I'll leave you here"

He just nodded

Jk pov

'Why are they soo rude to me what did I even do wrong to them? '

'am I that bad?'
Tears coming from my eyes

That's it for this chapter,hope you all liked it please do tell how did you find it
And vote too

Happy reading 😊

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