Chapter 9

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**Ranboo's POV**

"TUBBO!" I yell as I kneel beside him. "Come on. Wake up! We're so close!" I check his pulse, his heart is beating, I check his nose and he's breathing. I let out a sigh of relief. "Okay come on. Let's get you back to the castle."

**Tubbo's POV**

I wake up and look around the room slowly, my head hurts pretty bad. I'm in the medical wing? How did I get here? I sit up slowly.

"Tubbo! Thank god you're okay!"

"It's good to have you awake man."

I blink a few times while my eyes adjust to the hospital light and I look to my left to see both Tommy and Ranboo hovering over me. "Tommy! You're okay."

"Yeah man. I'm okay thanks to you and Ranboo. I still need to stay in here for a a day while I recover."

"What happened? I don't remember anything. I remember walking home and that's it."

Ranboo sits down on the edge of the bed. "You passed out. I didn't have time to catch you so you'll have a bruise on the side of your head for a while. Turns out we figured out your downfall being a bee hybrid and all."

"And that is?"

Niki walks in and explains, "as a bee hybrid, you'll have to keep some flowers on you in order to keep up your strength, but more importantly, we have learned that you'll be more at risk at night, becoming extremely weak. You were being too energetic and had no flowers on your person, other than the calendula which was too far away, this caused you to pass out. You're lucky that Ranboo brought you in when he did, it could have been much worse. You'll be okay in a about an hour and you can continue your duties. Stay safe, Prince Tubbo." Niki leaves to tend to other patients.

"You brought me back?"

"Yeah." He smiles before returning back to his neutral face, "my father would have killed me if I let the prince die."

"The guards could have brought me back." I smirk while speaking, knowing that it was so much more than civic duty that caused him to save my life.

He stares at me, "yeah, whatever Tubbo."

"You two are flirting! Stop it." Tommy speaks up and I let out a laugh.

"What? No. That's not what's happening." Ranboo speaks up while furrowing his eyebrow.

"Calm yourself Ranboob, flirt all you want, but don't do it in front of me, okayyy?" He chuckles as he leaves, probably back to his own bed. I know he's kidding, he's just trying to get a rise out of Ranboo.

"Ugh. That insolent child, has no respect."

"Haha, don't worry about him big man. He's just trying to get a rise out of you. Don't let him bug you. He's actually a great person when you get to know him."

"Yeah, he better be, I'll be stuck working with him soon." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah why aren't you working big man?"

"It's still night. I have to go to work soon though."

"You stayed here all night?"

"Yeah.. had to make sure the prince I saved would survive." He smiles at me.

"Mhm. Yeah sure." I say smiling back.

"Oh! Before I go, I actually brought you something." He turns and grabs a bag. And pulls a bouquet of flowers out of it. "See, Niki told me about the flower thing so I went to the royal gardens and grabbed some. I didn't know what you liked and which ones bees needed, so I just grabbed a bunch of different ones, I hope that they're-" he rambles.

"They're lovely, Ranboo. Thank you!" If someone would have told me three days ago that the Prince has the ability to care about people, I would have told them that they were crazy, but I've seen it with my own eyes. There's so much more to Ranboo than he lets on, and I'm going to figure out why he acts the way he does.

"Okay. Well I have to go. Make sure to go to sleep early so that you don't feel the effects of the weakness. Get well soon, Tubbo." He leaves.

Sure enough after about an hour, I feel much better, like a whole new person. When they say that I become weak, I must become extremely weak, because I could barely move! The flowers seem to be helping though.

I go to King Philza's office and knock twice. "Come in." I hear from behind the door.

"Hello sir, you requested my presence?"

"Yes, Tubbo! I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I didn't realize the downfalls of being a bee."

"None of us did. We all find them out at some point unfortunately. Not always in the best way as you have witnessed. Anyway, I called you in here to make sure that everything went well on your journey and also to explain what is on the agenda today. How did the journey go?"

"It went well. At first we ran into a few issues, but Ranboo was extremely helpful and we managed to get the flower, which did indeed heal my friend."

"My Ranboo helped you?" He smiles, a smile that I assume is pride in his son.

"Yes. I couldn't have managed without him. He's a good friend." Philza's eyes go wide at the mention of the word 'friend', but he doesn't mention anything.

Phil clears his throat. "Anyway, I've called you in here because today there will be a very important person, the Origin Kingdom's General, visiting in about 3 hours to discuss issues regarding intruders within the Kingdom walls. I would like you at the meeting and I'd also like you to inform Ranboo that he is to attend as well."

"Yes sir. I will let him know right away. Is there a reason that I should give him as to why he is attending?"

"Tell him that his eldest brother is coming to visit."

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