Chapter 14

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**Wilbur's POV**

You gotta fight fire with fire. They are foolish, believing that evil will respond to anything other than violence of the highest degree. They're not even trying to kill them if they don't have to they're trying to imprison and reform them. Pfft. Idiots! The only way to rid this world of Dream is to actually get rid of him and all of his little friends.
For good.

I stare at the mountain. The location where it will all end. I phase through the wall and begin climbing. "Bye bye Dream."

**Ranboo's POV**

We've split into three teams. Dadza is leading one team, Techno is leading another and I am leading the last one. We have a few experienced fighters but most of them are not. We are not supposed to engage unless they need the numbers. Techno's team is supposed to be the one to engage in the fighting. Hopefully they can end this and we can have as little blood shed as possible. I can't have these people... My people... Dying to the likes of Dream.

I look around the corner. There's no one there. The streets are empty. I make a signal for my team to follow me. I'm taking them to the far edge of Origin, far away from the fighting and the danger.

"Okay team. We are not going to engage, I repeat, do not engage unless necessary. Sam, Punz and Eret will be behind the group as we move into this next area. They are experienced fighters  and will be more aware of signs of conflict. Everyone else will follow behind me. I have complete faith in our General and King, but if they need us, we will be there for them. If we must engage, I will do everything in my power to protect all of you. We must trust each other. Does everyone understand?" Everyone either nods or let's out a quiet cheer at my speech. Tommy gives me a nod and smiles. I smile at the small team, "good, let's move out."

We start moving as quietly as possible on the freshly fallen snow. Tommy walks beside me, as if we are leading the group together, "Tubbo isn't going to stay. I said that he always has a need to prove himself and I guarantee he won't stay put."

"He has to. Dream wants to kill him. I think he realizes the danger that he will put himself in if he leaves." I am almost trying to convince myself that Tubbo won't leave. I've spent quite a bit of time with him this past week. I know he's stubborn but I also know he's not stupid.

"I think he realizes the danger he puts the Kingdom in if he stays. Don't worry about him too much. He's had more training than anyone will ever know. He is probably almost as skilled as General Technoblade. I trust him, Ranboo. You should too." He puts a hand on my shoulder. And I wouldn't admit it, but I'm grateful for the gesture.

I sigh, "I do trust him. I'm just scared."

"So am I."

**Tubbo's POV**

I stare at the map as I walk quickly. The snow falls, slightly shielding my vision. I can't fly right now because of the falling snow. I hold my arms close to me as I walk, it's freezing outside and I did not have time to grab proper clothes. All I have on is a light jacket over my clothes and my sword at my side. The sword that Sam gave me a long time ago.

I hear a rustling sound and I turn quickly, placing my hand on my sword. A bird flies through the trees and I let out the breath I was holding. The problem is, Dream is tricky. I know that the element of surprise is something he uses often. He always has a trick up his sleeve and if he wants me dead, there's no doubt that he has something in mind.

The snow suddenly stops falling and I hear the light footsteps on the snow. Please let this be Ranboo's team. I need to make sure him and Tommy are okay. What if it's Dream though? No it can't be. He usually travels by tree. I turn the corner and I'm slightly disappointed by the fact that it's King Philza's team.

I don't want to scare them so I decide to make my presence known, "Your Majesty." At least four people turn around and point their swords at me. They lower them when they realize it's just me.

Philza moves through the crowd to face me. "Tubbo, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be-"

"It's Wilbur. He's gone." I interrupt.

"Gone? What do you-"

"To this location. He's going to blow up Origin to stop King Dream, but he hasn't thought it through! The army left later than he expected. I suspect that this entire location will be gone in less than 20 minutes." I show up on the map.

"Oh no... But Ranboo's team is over there. I need to stop Wilbur." Ranboo's team...? Tommy and Ranboo..

"What about Ranboo?"

"I know I told you not to be involved, but you are the only other one who can fly. I need you to warn him." I nod and King Philza flies off towards the mountain.

The army looks at me. I'm assuming for instruction. "As far as Wilbur's map shows, there is no TNT at the center of Origin. Technoblade must be made aware of what's happening. Grab his team and tell them to go to the center as well. I will return with Ranboo's team as early as possible." They all nod and start jogging towards Technoblade's location.

I take a deep breath and fly as fast as I can in the direction of Ranboo's location.


Where are they? I can't find them. They must be under a bridge or something. Think Tubbo think. I need to get their attention somehow... That's it, "CROWFATHER!" I yell at the top of my lungs. No one except for one person knows what that means. Sure enough, about 10 seconds later I see a snowball being thrown into the sky. Gotcha.

I fly quickly to see Ranboo's team stationed behind a building. "Ranboo, Tommy thank god you're okay."

"Tubbo, what the hell are you doing here? Why did you yell that? When did you-"

"Ranboo stop rambling. I knew Tommy would understand. It's a name that we have King Philza- and .. actually it's not important. Wilbur is planning to blow up half of Origin. We need to leave now."

"What? Why would he-" Tommy interjects.

"He has a map, there's a lot of TNT. Philza is already up there. We need to leave NOW!" I say more forcefully.

"Okay okay... Team let's-" Ranboo starts.

"We can't let you do that."

"Punz? Eret?"

"It was you two who poisoned me...."

"It was. Now we have to finish the job." Eret swings his sword violently at me and Sam blocks it.

"Go! Now!" Sam yells as he fights both Eret and Punz.

I see a fleck of green in the corner of my eye. It's Dream. He's climbing the mountain. "Hold them off. I need to end this." I am about to fly towards the mountain to help Philza and Wilbur.

"No! You can't! He wants you dead." Ranboo grabs my wrist, his eyes look watery, but I could be hallucinating. Tommy begins fighting Eret as Sam fights Punz.

"Ranboo, do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me?!"

He sighs, "yes." And let's go of my wrist. I give him a quick hug.

I stare at him for one last moment. "Bye Boo." I fly off towards the mountain. I swear that I can hear a faint, 'bye Bee' in the distance.

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