Part 5

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I knew they had a witch friend names Bonnie, a Bennet witch. They're very handy to have around.

I started searching for her. She wasn't outside or inside the house, but there was one place I hadn't checked yet.

I walked into the dining room filled with candles, looking for her. I didn't see her, until I felt her presence behind me.

"I knew you would show up again." She spoke.

I chuckled and leaned my head back, turning around.

"Don't get cocky yet Bonnie, you've only heard about me." I smirked.

She glared at me but then she started to use her magic to give me a migraine.

I pretended it was hurting me, groaning with my head in my hands, but I looked up at her to then see the fear I was waiting for in her eyes.

"You've got some nerve." I scoffed and grabbed her neck. "Release the barrier spell from the upstairs room, or I snap your neck quicker than you can even think about it."

I ran up the stairs three steps at a time until I finally got to the room. The spell was lifted, and I was free to go in as Katherine was being attacked.

She had thrown Stefan to the ground but then turned around to see a wooden stake being thrown directly at her by Damon before she could do anything about it.

I vamp sped in front of her, catching the stake in my fist just before it hit her.

"I was wondering what our first encounter would be like." I tilted my head to the side glaring at him.

He was speechless, and as was Stefan who slowly stood up.

"Who are you?" Damon panted.

"You've finally met my mother." Katherine told them.

I could've laughed at the looks on their faces. It was confusion and panic all mixed into one.

"I can take it from here." She spoke quietly.

I dropped the stake onto the floor, and then vamp sped away.

As I approached my door, I noticed a letter on my doorstep with my name on it. I picked it up and then went inside to start opening it.

'We invite you to the Mikaelson ball tomorrow night to celebrate our reunion as a family.'

I frowned slightly but then briefly checked the back to see a note.

'Save me a dance."

I smiled lightly, knowing exactly who wrote it.

Katherine didn't come home that night and she wasn't in her hotel room either so I started to look around for her.

As I was walking down the road, I was joined by the man in the suit.

"Did you get the invitation for tonight?" Elijah asked as we continued walking.

"On my doorstep when I got home." I replied.

He stopped walking and then I turned around to look at him. He was holding a small box with a bow on the top.

"It's from Klaus, he'd like you to wear this tonight." He told me.

"Why didn't he just give it to me?" I asked.

"Sibling quarrels at home, not that I blame them but it's slowing down preparations for tonight. I gather that you guessing from the invitation know that our siblings are awake." He stated. "He wanted to give it to you but couldn't find the time before tonight so I've delivered it."

He handed it to me.

"I'll see you tonight." He then walked away.

Katherine wasn't anywhere. There was nothing I could find that would lead me to her and I was starting to get worried.

If I didn't show my face at this ball though, I would look suspicious and I couldn't have her get found out by Klaus or Elijah.

As I was deciding, I felt a sharp pain in the side of my waist from where Klaus stabbed me. It had opened up, and it wasn't healing.

I decided to open the box once it started to get dark as I needed to not get distracted by other things and focus on getting through tonight.

I couldn't see it properly but as I lifted it out, I knew exactly why he wanted me to wear it.

I wore it five centuries ago to a ball with him on the first day I saw him. It was a deep blue dress with glitter designs and patterns on it and silk white gloves. I never thought he would've kept the dress.

It was exactly how I pictured it to be when I arrived. The grand entrance with a waterfall at the front. Inside, lights, lots of people dressed formally and drinking champagne.

I walked up the steps into the house. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be out looking for Katherine and I was starting to get really stressed about it. Although the stress nearly went when I saw Klaus.

He was talking to a woman with a drink in his hand. He then noticed me and turned his head to see me with the look on his face. The same look on his face as the first time he saw me in this dress.

I needed to get through this night and alcohol seemed like the most appropriate way to do it so I started to walk towards where the drinks were.

I took one off the table and as I was drinking it, I turned to see the Salvatore's walk in with Elena holding each of their arms.

My eyes were locked on them and then my head started scrambling for answers.

'They were the last people to be with Katherine before she disappeared. Did they do something to her? Where the hell is she?'

I chugged what was left in the glass and as I was about to walk over to them, I was cut off by Elijah in front of me.

"I'm glad you made it." He smiled and then took my hand, kissing the top of it. "You look gorgeous."

"And you cleaned up just as well as you normally do." I smiled back at him.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked.

I took his hand and walked to the dance floor.

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