🍋InkError His First Time🍋 NONCON (Old Republish)

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They had been dating for a year and Error's haphaphobia had worn off once it came to Ink.
It all happened one day while Ink and Error were relaxing, Well Error was most relaxed as Ink felt needy.
"Ru, have you ever felt lust?"

"What's lust?" Error was only 17 and was distanced from anything related to NSFW.
"How do I explain this." Ink sat up and tried not to make eye contact with Error.

"It's a funny feeling and once you feel it you...tend to want things done to you or you want to do things to others."
"What kind of things?"
"Inappropriate things."
Error had a puzzled look on his face as he saw that Ink was blushing very hard.
"What?" Error reached his hand to Ink and looked him in the eyes.
"Have you ever touched yourself?"
Error shook his head slowly as he stroked Ink's cheek.

"Can I t-touch you a-and teach you t-to touch yourself" Ink kept stuttering and stumbled on his words as he was taking Error's innocence.
"Ink you can always touch me, you know this?"

"No, I mean touching you in a inappropriate way..." Ink sat his hand on Error's leg.

"Ink it'll be fine, do what you need to and if you need me to do anything I'll listen."

Ink blushed as Error gave a slight smile growing a bit of blush also.

"I'm gonna need you to spread your legs." Ink looked at Error's hips and removed his hand from Error's leg.
"O-okay" Error opened his legs while looking at Ink, he had a hungry expression on his face.

"Baby can you summon an etco-body yet?" Ink whispered as he pulled his face closer to Error's.

"W-what's an et-etco-body?"
"I need you to think of a girl or boy but not anyone specific. Think of their body." Ink caressed Error's check. Later Error had a female etco-body with a fat ass, slim waist, and big boobs.
"Just what I wanted." Ink smirked as he grabbed Error's hips.
"Mhmn~" Error covered his mouth in fear.

"Do you feel warm?" Ink asked as he rubbed Error's hips.
"Yes I feel h-hot and wei-weird."
"That's lust baby~"
"Mhmn~ I like once you call me baby."
Ink took off Error's scarf and laid his head near his neck.

"Ink I can f-feel your b-breath"
"Can I lick?"
"Wha-?" Error was cut off by Ink licking his cheek "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Ink looked at him confused as why he screamed.

"You don't like it?" Ink said wiping Error's cheek.
"I didn't mean to shout you just startled me."

"It's fine, it's your first time and you're new to the concept of pleasure and sex"
Ink started to lick Error's neck making him moan from pleasure.
"I-Ink why d-does this feel s-so strange, b-but in a good way?"

"It's part of the procedure. You'll feel like this a lot." Ink put his hand up Error's shirt and rubbed his sides
"O-okay" Error hid his face in a pillow trying to cover his blush.
Ink took Error's shirt and squeezed his boobs.

"Ah~ S-stop" The pillow fell out of his hands as he tried to move Ink's.
"Error I need you to put your hand in your lap."
Error did as Ink said as he didn't know what else to do.
"Rub your legs together~"
Error did and it felt weird but made him blush even harder.
"Error I want you to strip slowly"
"I don't want to. This body makes me look weird"
"I think it makes you look hot~"

Error pulled his pants down slowly and tried not to crash. His underwear was wet from him enjoying what's being done to him.
"You seem to enjoy this so far" Ink said as he slipped his hands in Error's underwear.

"Aah~ ah~ p-please s-stop" Error moaned as he felt a knot in his stomach form.
"Oh Ruru, you know how to turn me on~" Ink spoke softly causing Error to melt.

"Once y-you ah~ speak so-softly I feel so weird but g-good?"
"You get turned on~" Ink spoke softer trying to make Error enjoy a couple moments before things get painful. Ink pulled his fingers out.
"Error lay down on your stomach"
Error laid down and placed his head into a pillow.
Ink started to play with Error's ass and kept smacking it.

"Ah~ S-stop it's h-hurting m-me"
"Do you really want me to stop?" Ink lined himself up to Error's hole.

"Baby this is going to hurt...but only for a bit!"


"I am going to put myself inside you"
"What does tha-aAhHHh!~"
Ink slammed into him.

"I'm gonna give you time to adjust, once it doesn't hurt tell me."

A couple minutes later

"Ink i-it doesn't h-hurt."

"Okay I am going to go in and out. If you try fighting back I will stir up your insides."

"I-Is that something b-bad?"

"It'll hurt a lot baby, and I'm sure you don't want that."


"Error remember that pillow you had? Cover you face with it."
Error grabbed the pillow and plopped his head in it. Ink stared to rub Error's back as he prepared to thrust into him.
"Ink I-I'm scared."

"Baby it'll be fine, trust me."
He slammed into Error.

"AhhH~ AHHhHhh~ P-pLeaSE s-SToP!" Error started to push Ink away but then he remembered what Ink said and stopped.

"Ru it feels amazing inside you~"
"Ahh~ AAHhh~ InKY~"

Ink picked up the pace making Error a moaning mess.

"INk HurTS! I f-FeeL s-sOMethIng In mY S-STOmaCh!

"E-Error th-that means you're going t-to c-"

Error moaned loudly as he felt the knot snap. He came on the bedsheets.
"D-didn't have time t-to explain heh" Ink felt the knot in his stomach getting close to it's breaking point.

"Ahh~ Inky~" Error pulled Ink closer to him making Ink go deeper in him. Ink pulled Error in for a kiss. Error kissed him back moaning into the kiss.
"Er-Error im gonna c-cum."
"What's t-that?"

Ink pulled out so he didn't cum inside Error but instead on him.
"W-Why'd yo-" Error passed out before finishing his sentence.

"Cleaning up will be hard won't it." Ink layer next to Error and kissed his forehead

"You're so fragile, I shouldn't have pushed you so far."

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