🌸Creamberry Apple Pie🌸

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Dream layed on the floor next to Swap. Their yellow eyelights fixated on Swap's blue eyelights. They were listening to their lover's slow, rested breaths. Everything was calm until Cross burst in the room holding and book.

Cross shouted out, "Hey Baby face!"
Dream sighed at the nickname, "Yes Cross?"
"I might have read a thing in your room and wanna try something."

Dream shot up confused yet also concerned, "What did you read..?"
"Your diary~"
"Cross that's their private things, please respect his privacy." Swap butted in.

"I only read one page. It was about baking with your family. I decided that we should all bake! It could grow us closer."
Dream's eyes darted away from Cross, "Oh, uhm, I think I still remember my caretaker's recipe for apple pie. It was my favorite food back then."

"That seems like fun." Swap inputted.
"Yeah, feed us Mommy Dream~"
Dream's face immediately flushed, "Cross!"
Swap snickered at the comment and dragged the two to the kitchen, "Hurry up!" Swap, always impatient.

The three settled into the kitchen. Dream grabbed ingredients, Swap cleaned the counter, Cross watched. Gosh was he mesmerized, seeing how swift his partners moved and adapted to things.

Once everything got set up Cross went to the other side of the counter. The three kneeded dough, mixed eggs, played with flour sometimes throwing it on each other.

With powder covered faces and a few stains on the counter a pie was successfully slid into the preheated oven. Dream started to clean the counters while Cross threw in dirty jokes. Swap tried to protest but Dream would still suffer, flustered.

The oven dinged after long, treacherous hours of Swap complaining on how 'he's starving!' Dream went over and put on oven mitts. They grabbed the pie and sat it on the counter. Swap came over to steal a piece.

"It needs to cool first." Dream informed him.
Swap let out an audibly loud groan, "I'm so hungry! I'm about to go Horror mode!"
"Complaining won't cool it faster~" Cross cooed.
"Oh, just had to make yourself relevant?" Cross and Swap had always been competitive towards each other. Trying to show Dream more affection, helping around the house more than the other, normal fights.

The two glared at each other, Dream growing more worried by the second. Dream knew it wouldn't get serious but it still concerned them.

"Can you two be nice to each other for one second?" Dream weakly mumbled.
Cross laughed, "Alright Hun, if it really bothers you that much." Dream smiled and hugged Cross, Swap joined.

"What's with the hug?" Cross asked.
Dream looked up at him, "I just like it when you two get along! It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. We love each other, that makes me happy..." Dream looked away. Gold dusting his coccyx.

Those words sent sparks between the trio, they relished the moment. They moved to the couch for a more comfortable cuddle session, it was the best way to kill time while the pie cools. They talked on and on about silly things until all they could muster was incoherent laughter. Most of their conversations ended like this.

Dream pushed Swap off of their side, "You big baby! I have to go cut the pie, it should be cooled now." Swap cheered loudly but quickly was muffled by Cross shoving a pillow in his face.
"Don't yell so loud!" Cross responded loudly. Dream laughs and walks to the kitchen.

After four swift cuts there are three different plates with a carefully placed slice of pie on top. After turning on a movie that nobody would pay attention to the three huddled together all eating pie. A bite would warm up your insides just telling you that you were loved. Swap wouldn't stop thanking Dream for baking the pie.

"I should have smashed an egg on your head..." Dream taunts after Cross kept kissing their cheek. Swap was jealous and pouted trying to get Dream's attention. Dream kissed Swap's cheek leaving a small bit of whipped cream. Cross leans over and licks it off making Swap sputter. It was familiar to feel Cross's tongue on his bone but it always caught him off guard. He should train better!

Dream leans back, allowing themself to sink into the couch. They stare at the TV screen and smile softly. This made life worth living.

♡-•. Oh stars,.I have been absent for a while. I started this all the way back in March last year! I got the ship by picking three random letters, hopefully it worked well! I hope you enjoyed!

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