🌸A proposal - Kross🌸

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《Cross's POV》

Today is going to be an amazing day! I have everything ready. Kills will be so happy! I can't wait! I walked over to his room with a cheery smile.

《Killer's POV》

Sh^t! Where did it go!? I need this for tonight..! Everything needs to be perfect for Crossy! If anything goes wrong I'll never forgive myself.

I looked on my dresser and saw my prized possessions. I snatched the two items and shoved them in my pocket. I rushed to my door getting ready to leave. 6:26 PM, Crossy says we're leaving at 6:30.

I opened my door and saw Crossy trying to open my door. He looked stunnin'! I could tell my eyelight and soul turned to a heart. He was wearing a black sweater over a white collared shirt. I noticed he wore his big jeans, heh.

"Seems like we both were going to eachother at the same time." Crossy spoke with a chuckle. I nodded admirin' his beauty. He always looked good.

I guess I was starin' for too long as Crossy asked if I was awake. I snapped out of it and nodded.

"Anyways let's head to the place. I have some things to show you."
"Oooh~ Is it what I've been askin' for?~"
Crossy immediately flushed, "Kills, cut it out! I wanted you to be happy today."
"I am happy whenever I'm with ya." I winked an' Crossy seemed to like dat. I'll wink at him more!

He took my hand and dragged me out my room. Seems like he's gettin' impatient. I started to walk with him. We headed outside and I was going to the car but Crossy says we're walkin'. Sore legs ain't fun.


It took us about 10 minutes to get to the place. It was a boardwalk, the view of the sunset was amazin'... I see why Crossy took me here, on our first date we went to see the sunrise after a ton of hangin' out. It was nice, very nice.

He demanded we do the dumb boardwalk games, gosh he's gonna be the death of me. I played some and won him a few prizes, nothin' too big y'know? He's only gonna be experiencin' one big thing tonight.

I smiled as Crossy took my hand and we walked around for what seemed like hours. He was the childish one in the relationship, of course he was excited. He was more giddy than usual though, it's cute.

His hands were sweaty, I realized that at lot. He was nervous, possibly because there was a ton of other people here. Some human judgin' us, I ignore 'em.

After an hour, that felt like twelve, he decided we should get food. Of course there wasn't many options without leavin' the boardwalk.

"They have hotdogs, churros, pizza slices..." Crossy listed our options.
"I can take some pizza, how 'bout you?"
He gave me that one smile of contentment and joy, "I'll just get what you get." I nodded in response and bought the slices. Crossy demanded on payin' but I wouldn't let him.

We sat at one of the benches and ate, starin' out into the lake and stars. He finished his slice and grabbed my wrist. Crossy d̶r̶a̶g̶g̶e̶d̶ took me over to the beach part.

"I have a surprise, cover your eyes!" Crossy was enthusiastic.
This is the perfect chance! I have to take it, "I've got a surprise too, let's both ready ours then reveal at the same time."
"Mine takes a bit of time to get ready."

"You ready yours, then I'll ready mine. We still reveal at the same time." It was simple, really.
"Did you know that rhymed?" He giggled.
I muttered, "You five year old."
"Just cover your eyes or I'll put sand in your sockets."
"Fine fine, closed." I closed my eyes, peekin' wouldn't really be so fun so I didn't.

After a bit Crossy spoke, "I'm ready and have my eyes covered." I didn't need to open my eyes for my surprise, I got everything ready quickly.
"Done. Count us down Crossy~"

"Alright. One. Two. Three. Reveal!"

《Third Person POV》

Cross and Killer were kneeling before each other. Both had a ring box opened revealing rings. In front of Killer were big letters spelling 'Will you marry me?' He was stunned. Cross must have wrote it with a stick.

They both made eye contact for what seemed like minutes. Truthfully it was a few seconds.
"W-Wow! We both h-had the same i-idea!?" Cross stumbled on his words in shock.
"Guess so." Killer was still laid back and calm.

"So it's an automatic yes?" Killer asked with a smirk. Cross nodded and hugged him tightly. Killer obviously reciprocated the action with his, now, fiancé. The two were happy, Cross tearing up.

This was new to Killer. Unlike Cross he didn't stay up til 4 watching romance novelas and crying to them, "What now?" Killer asked.
Cross pulled Killer into a deep kiss. The two both put passion into it. It wasn't heated as usual.

After they pulled away Killer stared starstruck. He just proposed to the love of his life and got proposed to by the love of his life. He couldn't ask for anything else.

The two made eye contact staring more softly. Killer pulled Cross into one last kiss, savoring the feeling.
"I love you Crossy, you mean so much to me." Killer said breathlessly.
"I love you too Kills." Cross rubbed the back of Killer's skull, "I love you too..."

The nicknames melted into both of their minds, the phrase repeated, "I love you."

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