Chapter One: Up To Their Old Tricks

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Contains mild violence

Chapter One

Earth - the last planet in the universe still containing magic. For the magic-hungry Nekross, this was the one source of food left in existence, and it had to be taken advantage of.

Unfortunately, it was rather difficult to get their scaly hands on it since the wizard inhabitants were perfectly aware of their presence and had launched an appropriate defence mechanism: a "shrouding spell", which cloaked most forms of enchantment from their prying eyes.

If it wasn't for this foremost obstacle, then undoubtedly the Nekross would be feasting a lot more on the exquisite magic of Earth...


Lexi strutted onto the flight deck, smiling smugly.

"What has amused you, dear sister?" enquired Varg, turning away from his console.

"Nothing of the sort, brother Varg! I have completed a stratagem that will at last allow the Nekross to secure our rightful share of Earth's magic."

"And how will this be so, sister Lexi?" The prince's attention was directed to the workstation.

"I have uncovered a technique to defy the shrouding spell."

"What!?" Varg swung his head round.

Lexi smirked proudly. "I will explain my strategy before the king."

She strolled to the closed doors with the Nekross logo on it.

"Father - I request that you hear my strategy. It could put an end to the hindrance in the gathering of magic caused by the shrouding spell."

The doors slid open to reveal the enormous expanse of the king's grotesque face.

"Speak, Lexi!"

"The shrouding spell has long prevented us from locating sources of magic. However, if the scanners were recalibrated to detect the bodies of those who contain magic, we would no longer be obstructed by the cunning plans of Wizardkind."

"There is a fault in your design, dear sister," interrupted Varg, "Wizards and humans have no dissimilarities in their appearances. The scanners would not be able to register any differences."

Lexi ignored his cynicism. "Observe, brother..." She moved over to a computer and tapped several keys. Onto the screen appeared a full picture of a young woman with the head and torso of a human being, and a tail akin to that of a fish. "Located within Earth's few uncontaminated oceans reside the merfolk - humans crossed with water vertebrates. I will demonstrate the scanners in action as they probe Earth's oceans, hunting for such creatures."

A few taps later, the image of the mermaid was replaced by that of the Earth, and gradually small dots started appearing on it, until entire seas were obscured beneath them.

The prince's eyes grew wider and wider.

"With this amount of information on our hands, the Nekross shall truly feast on an abundance of magic with no-one to stop us - not even Tom Clarke!"


"The Wasa Mana Amulet"

Tom Clarke was sat in the Chamber of Crowe, up to his ears in studying Stonescript, one of the trickiest of all instruction young wizards participated in.

"Tom!" called a familiar voice from behind him.

"It looks like it's your turn to save the day, Benny Sherwood - turning up just in time before I was about to face death at the hands of a mountain of homework..."

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