Chapter 1

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Izuku has always been in the shadow of his sister due to their difference in quirks.

Izuku was born with a wonderful little quirk called "Current" it allowed him to become pure energy, more specifically electricity, which connects him to any and all electronic devices.

In his opinion it was a beautiful quirk, flashy and effective but his parents thought less so.

Izuna meanwhile had a quirk called "output" allowing her to store energy into her body and release it. It was far more straightforward than his and that's probably why his parents liked it more, what Izumi lacked in versatility she made up for in power, and the opposite was true for Izuku.

Though the Yagi family preferred power it seems as they spoiled Izuna rotten leaving Izuku all by himself.

But he didn't waste his time to mope, he was too busy making support items for any of that mushy stuff.


"Annnnnndd done!" A 5 year old Izuku lifted up an item similar to a glove. "It's heavy but stable, the finger tips are made to use my quirk more offensively but it's still too heavy. I need to make a list of problems for the next one." Izuku looked to the computer still recording his project.


"Finished." A 7 year old izuku looked down at his armor covered legs. "It's really bulky, the soles are made to concentrate my quirk to move in the air but it's hard to walk let alone fly.. I need to make it slimmer." He waved to the camera of his computer before turning it off.


"What do you mean they left..?" A 10 year old Izuku looked up from his dinner plate. "I'm sorry to say young master, but the master and mistress have taken young miss on leave for 5 years." Spoke the main butler of the house.

"And I wasn't brought because...?"

"They thought you'd be a distraction to young miss." The butler answered quickly avoiding eye contact.

Izuku sighed. Of course he'd be distraction, he was so distracting that they didn't even realize he was there most of the time! Idiots... "Tsutomu... pull me out of school."

The staff looked at the boy shocked, Izuku loved school, it let him test his intelligence on easy things. "A-are you sure young master!? What of your education?!?"

"I'll just do online school." He got up from his seat. "Please put my dinner in the fridge, I'll eat it tomorrow."

"Is everything well?" Asked a robotic voice once Izuku made to his room. "It's fine... everything is fine.. completely f....... fine.." Izuku slowly broke down realizing all those years of neglect did in fact have an effect on him.

"Why did they leave me...?" Izuku sobbed. "Am I not good enough..? Am I useless....? Do they hate me..?" The robotic voice couldn't find a response.

"Why couldn't I ride dad's shoulders? Why couldn't I go shopping with mom? Why couldn't I play with Izumi? Why couldn't I have a birthday party? Why couldn't I get a surprise gift when dad comes back from work? Why... couldn't I have a family? ....... why... couldn't I be loved.....?"

"WHY!?" Izuku sobbed nonstop until he eventually fell asleep due to exhaustion.

Robotic hands came from open panels in the room and carefully lifted Izuku up and onto the bed. "Do not worry master." The voice spoke as the hands placed a blanket over the sleeping boy. "You are loved."

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